*Will RSS consider Pranab Da’s Inclusive Indian Nationalism?*

Ram Puniyani

Dialogue is the core part of democratic process. The question comes; can
there be dialogue between two opposite ideologies on Indian horizon, the
one of Indian nationalism and the other of Hindu nationalism? We witnessed
a strange spectacle when the Pranab Mukherjee, the lifelong congressman and
believer in plural, inclusive Indian nationalism accepted to speak on the
platform of RSS, the apex organization promoting narrow, divisive,
exclusive Hindu nationalism. The visit of Ex-President to address RSS event
was strongly opposed by large section of Congress leaders and many others,
on the ground that RSS is adept at gaining legitimacy from such visits
while at the same time working at cross purpose to the message of the
invited guests.

Mahatma Gandhi was one such visitor to RSS, who was killed due to the
ideology of hate propagated by RSS “All their (RSS) leaders’ speeches were
full of communal poison.  As a final result the poisonous atmosphere was
created in which such a ghastly tragedy (Gandhi’s murder) became possible.
RSS men expressed their joy and distributed sweets
after Gandhi’s death.” (Sardar Patel’s letter). Whether there can be a
dialogue with RSS has been a question on the minds of many.

What happened in Nagpur event when Pranab Mukherjee paid visit to Nagpur
(June 7th 2108)? To begin with Mukherjee visited RSS founder K B Hedgewar’s
birth place and wrote, “Today I came here to pay my respects & homage to a
great son of Mother India KB Hedgewar ji.” Whether out of courtesy for the
host one should write in such a manner is a matter of debate again as
Hedgewar guided by his Hindu nationalism called Muslims a Yavan snakes.
Hedgewar-RSS also kept aloof from the freedom movement, which gave us
Independence and later Indian Constitution.

Mukherjee to his credit did talk of pluralism and inclusive nature of
Indian Constitution, India being a meeting ground of different people, “It
is our composite culture which makes us into a nation. India’s nationhood
is not one language, one religion, one entity.” He advised the RSS
swayamsevaks, “You are young, disciplined, well trained and athletic.
Please wish for peace, harmony and happiness. Our motherland is asking for
that, our motherland deserves that”, and also that “any attempt at defining
our nationhood in terms of dogmas and identities of religion, region,
hatred and intolerance will only lead to dilution of our national
identity.” The highlight of his speech was his recalling Surendranath
Bannerjee for his phrase “Nation in the making” as this phrase aptly
defines the emergence of Indian nationalism during freedom movement, in
contrast to RSS assertion that we are a Hindu nation from times immemorial.

He also remembered the values of Gandhi and Nehru in trying to understand
India’s past and Sardar Patel’s contribution in merging the princely states
into India. Mukherjee toed the line of Indian culture as a synthesis of
different streams, “It is our composite culture which makes us into a
nation. India’s nationhood is not one language, one religion, one entity.”
And more significantly he pointed out that secularism and pluralism are the
soul of India which is constituted by "It is Perennial Universalism of 1.3
billion people who use more than 122 languages and 1600 dialects, practice
seven major religions and belong to three major ethnic groups, who live
under one system, one flag and one identity of being Bharatiya,” He
proceeded to reflect on the vast pluralism enshrined in the Indian society.
“India's nationhood is not one language, one enemy and one religion,”

In a way, despite slipping on the point of praising Hedgewar, he did speak
about the values enshrined in Indian constitution. Mostly what one does not
speak on such occasions also matters a lot. The present scenario created
due to RSS Hindu nationalism, where hate has been created around emotive
issues like Ram Temple, Cow-beef, love jihad needed to be underlined. The
direct connection of the present atmosphere of narrowness and intolerance
needed to be drawn out. He did not mention the important fact that the
current intimidating, sectarian atmosphere which is building up in the
country is due to Hindu nationalist agenda. While he correctly articulated
the pluralism and diversity of the country, he failed to mention the
political fallout of RSS agenda and left an open space where vague
homilies, ‘we respect different opinions’ are put forward by the RSS
ideologues without at all registering the differences which are too deep
for such ‘respecting others opinions’. The contrast between agenda of two
nationalisms, Hindu nationalism and Indian nationalism needed to be drawn

True, RSS has grown into huge organizations, and the discourse emanating
from its stable is dominating the social scene. Today undoubtedly values of
pluralism, which Mukherjee talked about, need to be underlined more than
before. In the aftermath his speech what is more likely to happen is the
attempt to show that what RSS says and what Mukherjee said are
complimentary. It will be an exercise in creating further legitimacy for
RSS. For RSS, building Ram Temple (demolishing Babri mosque) is part of
nation building, for RSS taking up the issue of cow-beef is nation
building. While for the stream of Gandhi-Nehru-Patel-Indian nationalism
such issues have no place on political horizon. What matters for this
stream is what Mukherjee pointed out apty “People are at the centre of all
activities of the State and nothing should be done to divide them. The aim
of the State should be to galvanize them to fight a concerted war against
poverty, disease and deprivation. Only then can we create a nation where
Nationalism flows automatically,”

Surely despite good articulation of Indian nationalism by ex-President, the
likely outcome of the visit has been well described by his daughter
Sharmishtha Mukherjee, who said, ‘the speech will be forgotten and pictures
will remain’. The pictures will be circulated with different content,
enhancing legitimacy to the divisive agenda of RSS.

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