Le 25/05/2012 12:34, Jeff Squyres a écrit :
> Hmm. I typed "lstopo-no-graphics" above, just to be descriptive, but
> is that a horrible name? If the main goal is for binary packagers who
> assumedly have /etc/alternative-type solutions such that users will
> rarely/never type that full name, how about just being descriptive
> with a lengthy suffix like that? 

I implemented this in the branch lstopo-no-graphics. Additional changes
to note:
1) lstopo-no-graphics is now text-only on Windows too
2) when cairo is disabled (and not running on windows), lstopo is a
symlink on lstopo-no-graphics
3) item (2) is only true in the installdir. not sure we should do it in
the builddir too

If people are ok with this renaming, I'll merge the branch in the next
days. And I think we'll start talking about doing v1.5 since most other
branches aren't ready and/or need plugins before they can get merged.


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