I don't see anything reason for such an incompatibility. But there are
many combinations, we can't test everything.
I can't reproduce that on my machines. Can you send the XML output of
both versions on one of your machines?

Le 20/09/2013 23:32, Ralph Castain a écrit :
> Hi folks
> I've run across a rather strange behavior. We have two branches in OMPI - the 
> devel trunk (using hwloc v1.7.2) and our feature release series (using hwloc 
> 1.5.2). I have found the following:
> *the feature series can correctly load an xml file generated by lstopo of 
> versions 1.5 or greater
> * the devel series can correctly load an xml file generated by lstopo of 
> versions 1.7 or greater, but not files generated by prior versions. In the 
> latter case, I segfault as soon as I try to use the loaded topology.
> Any ideas why the discrepancy? Can I at least detect the version used to 
> create a file when loading it so I can error out instead of segfaulting?
> Ralph
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