Samuel / Brice --

I did a test import of hwloc's Trac tickets to githib -- what do you think?

If you like it, I'll re-do the import over to the main hwloc repo, and we can 
then fully abandon Trac.  There will be one important difference between this 
import and the final/actual import: the tickets will be assigned to the proper 

All tickets will still be created and updated by the "ompiteam" user for the 
initial import, because that's the user who is creating all these initial 
tickets.  But any future activity will obviously be by our own usernames.

NOTE: for me to do the final import on the hwloc repo, you *need* to "unwatch" 
the hwloc repo.  Otherwise, Github will send you a mail for *every single 
ticket and comment created*.  When the import is done (it only takes a few 
minutes because there's only a few dozen tickets), you can set your watching 
back to the normal level.

Jeff Squyres
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