lstopo on our opteron 275  login node gives the following output

  Node#0(3906MB) + Socket#0
    L2(1024KB) + L1(1024KB) + Core#0 + P#0
    L2(1024KB) + L1(1024KB) + Core#1 + P#1
  Node#1(4040MB) + Socket#1
    L2(1024KB) + L1(1024KB) + Core#0 + P#2
    L2(1024KB) + L1(1024KB) + Core#1 + P#3

If I am reading the AMD docs right, the L1 cache for each core should be smaller, and in two parts, (data and instruction cache) Also appears that L2 should be shared, as far as I can tell, it is not shared in this case.

Am I looking at this wrong?

Brock Palen
Center for Advanced Computing

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