On 17/05/2010 17:41, Jirka Hladky wrote:
> I don't have system with 128 CPUs, but according to man page it's
> 0x80000000000000000000000000000000
> I have attached the source code as well.  See str_to_cpuset function. It 
> supports cpuset hex mask of any length.
> I understand your point to use hwloc-bind. However, I still believe that 
> supporting taskset would be a useful feature and very easy to implement (you 
> basically just convert physical CPU # into hex). taskset is currently THE 
> user-space program to set CPU affinity.  I understand that it's probably too 
> late for this release. But perhaps you can consider it for the next release. 

Hello Jirka,

I have added --taskset options to hwloc-calc, hwloc-bind and lstopo. It
uses some new hwloc_cpuset_taskset_snprint/asprintf/sscanf() functions.

See the patch at:

(applies to trunk, but not to 1.0)

The easiest way for you to test it might be tomorrow's nightly tarball


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