Hello Erik
I am not a pkgconfig expert but my feeling is that this has buggy for a
long time. hwloc.pc.in should likely use HWLOC_LIBS instead of LIBS. On
my machine, it makes Libs.private change from -dl to -lm -lnuma here
(with -lpci -lxml2 depending on the config). We also need to check
whether -ldl should be kept because of plugin support too.
Can you change LIBS instead HWLOC_LIBS in hwloc.pc.in, rerun configure,
and try again?

Le 04/01/2013 04:50, Erik Schnetter a écrit :
> I just installed hwloc 1.6 on a Linux Red Hat system. libnuma is
> required for linking -- I receive linker errors if I omit -lnuma, and
> I see that -lnuma is listed in libhwloc.la <http://libhwloc.la> under
> "dependency_libs". However, pkgconfig/hwloc.pc does not mention
> libnuma. It does mention libpci, though.
> Does this sound like an error when hwloc.pc is generated, or am I
> misunderstanding how pkg-config works? If you give me a pointer, I'd
> be happy to try an provide a patch.
> -erik
> -- 
> Erik Schnetter <schnet...@gmail.com <mailto:schnet...@gmail.com>>
> http://www.perimeterinstitute.ca/personal/eschnetter/
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