
Correct : The IO nodes are running a  full linux install (RHE 6.4) on the same 
hardware as the CNK nodes.

On vesta I do not have an account and I am not certain the IO nodes are 
available for direct login. I’m using the BGQ at CSCS which is an EPFL machine. 
The IO nodes are open for some special projects where we are trying to 
customise the IO.


From: Brice Goglin []
Sent: 25 March 2014 08:43
To: Hardware locality user list; Biddiscombe, John A.
Subject: Re: [hwloc-users] BGQ question.

Wait, I missed the "io node" part of your first mail. The bgq support is for 
compute nodes running cnk. Are io nodes running linux on same hardware as the 
compute nodes?

I have an account on vesta. Where should I logon to have a look?

On 25 mars 2014 08:12:58 UTC+01:00, "Biddiscombe, John A." 
<<>> wrote:

lstopo --whole-system

gives the same output and setting env var BG_THREADMODEL=2 does not appear to 
make any visible difference.

my configure command for compiling hwloc had no special options,
./configure --prefix=/gpfs/

should I rerun with something set?



From: hwloc-users [] On Behalf Of Brice 
Sent: 25 March 2014 08:04
To: Hardware locality user list
Subject: Re: [hwloc-users] BGQ question.

Le 25/03/2014 07:51, Biddiscombe, John A. a écrit :
I’m compiling hwloc using clang (bgclang++11 from ANL) to run on IO nodes af a 
BGQ. It seems to have compiled ok, and when I run lstopo, I get an output like 
this (below), which looks reasonable, but there are 15 sockets instead of 16. 
I’m a little worried because the first time I compiled, I had problems where 
apps would report an error from HWLOC on start and tell me to set 
HWLOC_FORCE_BGQ=1. when I did set this env var, it would then report that 
“topology became empty” and the app would segfault due to the unexpected return 
from hwloc presumably.

Can you give a bit more details on what you did there? I'd like to check if 
that case should be better supported or not.

I wiped everything and recompiled (not sure what I did differently), and now it 
behaves more sensibly, but with 15 instead of 16 sockets.

Should IO be worried?

The topology detection is hardwired so you shouldn't worried on the hardware 
The problem could be related to how you reserved resources before running 
Does lstopo --whole-system see more sockets?



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