Le 03/02/2017 23:01, James Elliott a écrit :
> On 2/3/17, Brice Goglin <brice.gog...@inria.fr> wrote:
>> What do you mean with shaded? Red or green? Red means unavailable.
>> Requires --whole-system everywhere. Green means that's where the
>> process is bound. But XML doesn't store the information about where
>> the process is bound, so you may only get Green in 2). 
> This is exactly what I am attempting to do (and finding it does not work).
> I would like to have a figure with green shadings so that I have a
> visual representation of where my MPI process lived on the machine.

Try this:

lstopo --whole-system --no-io -f hwloc-${rank}.xml
for pu in $(hwloc-calc --whole-system -H PU --sep " " $(hwloc-bind
--get)); do hwloc-annotate hwloc-${rank}.xml hwloc-${rank}.xml $pu info
lstopoStyle Background=#00ff00 ; done
<display with lstopo -i hwloc-${rank}.xml>

How it works:
* hwloc-bind --get retrieves the current binding as a bitmask
* hwloc-calc converts this bitmask into a space-separated list of PU
indexes (there are other possible outputs if needed, such as cores, or
the largest object included in the binding, etc)
* the for loop iterates on these objects and hwloc-annotate adds an
attribute lstopoStyle Background=#00ff00 to each of them
* lstopo will use this attribute to change the background color of these
PU boxes in the graphical output

Make sure you have hwloc >= 1.11.1 for this to work.


> I currently have a function (in C) that I use in my codes that
> inspects affinities, but when I discuss app performance with others, I
> would like to be able to show (graphically) exactly how their app uses
> the resources.  I work mostly with hybrid MPI/OpenMP codes, developed
> by smart scientists who are not familiar with things like affinity.
>>> To test without MPI, you would just need to set a processes affinity
>>> and then use its PID instead.
>>> What I see, is that the XML generated in (1) is identical for all MPI
>>> processes, even though they have different PIDs and different CPUSETS.
>> Are you talking about different MPI runs, or different MPI ranks within
>> the same run?
>> My feeling is that you think you should be seeing different cpusets for
>> each process, but they actually have the same cpuset but different
>> bindings. Cores outside the cpuset are red when --whole-system, or
>> totally ignored otherwise.
>> In (2), you don't have --whole-system, no red cores. But you have --pid,
>> so you get one green core per process, it's its binding. That's why you
>> get different images for each process.
>> in (3), you inherit the missing --whole-system from (1) through XML, no
>> red cores either. But XML doesn't save the process binding, no green
>> cores either. Same image for each process.
>> Do you care about process binding (what mpirun applies to each rank?) or
>> about cpusets (what the batch scheduler applies to the entire job before
>> mpirun?)
>> If cpuset, just add --whole-system everywhere, it should be enough.
>> If binding, there's no direct way with lstopo (but we have a way to save
>> custom colors for individual objects in the XML).
>> Brice
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