Hello Brice

Thanks for your reply.

I forgot to mention that my machine is a windows one and not Linux.

I did download the new version of hwloc.

Could you brief me the steps for installing it? Are the steps similar to this?

./configure --prefix=<where to install hwloc>
make -j<N> install


From: Dwaipayan Sarkar
Sent: August-23-21 6:13 PM
To: hwloc-users@lists.open-mpi.org; Brice Goglin <brice.gog...@inria.fr>
Subject: RE: [OMPI users] hwloc error

Hello Brice

Thanks for your reply.

I forgot to mention that my machine is a windows one and not Linux.

I did download the new version of hwloc.

Could you brief me the steps for installing it? Are the steps similar to this?

./configure --prefix=<where to install hwloc>
make -j<N> install


From: users 
<users-boun...@lists.open-mpi.org<mailto:users-boun...@lists.open-mpi.org>> On 
Behalf Of Brice Goglin via users
Sent: August-23-21 5:32 PM
To: us...@lists.open-mpi.org<mailto:us...@lists.open-mpi.org>
Cc: Brice Goglin <brice.gog...@inria.fr<mailto:brice.gog...@inria.fr>>
Subject: Re: [OMPI users] hwloc error

Hello Dwaipayan

You seem to be running a very old hwloc (maybe embedded inside an old Open MPI 
release?). Can you install a more recent hwloc from 
https://www.open-mpi.org/projects/hwloc/, build it, and run its "lstopo" to 
check whether the error remains?

If so, could you open an issue on the hwloc github at 

Your error looks strange. We've seen issue with such "intersection" errors in 
the past because the BIOS or ACPI was reporting invalid cache or NUMA affinity 
with respect to CPU packages. But intersecting packages is really unexpected. 
Among what's requested in the issue template, the important information that 
we'll need is the tarball generated by hwloc-gather-topology, it will allow us 
to check that Linux is indeed reporting invalid socket information.

By the way, this mailing list is for Open MPI, the hwloc mailing list is 
hwloc-users@lists.open-mpi.org<mailto:hwloc-users@lists.open-mpi.org>. Please 
use that list if you want to discuss by email instead of in a github issue.



Le 23/08/2021 à 19:36, Dwaipayan Sarkar via users a écrit :

I am Dwaipayan, a PhD graduate student at the Western University Canada.

Recently, I have been facing issues while using the CFD software package ANSYS 
Fluent in my local machine which have two Xeon processors with 12 cores each.

Whenever I am trying to run a simulation in parallel, it gives me this warning
[Text                Description automatically generated with low confidence]

And then when I run the simulation it abruptly stops giving me a segmentation 

Can you help me fix this issue, please?

I can provide with you more information of the local desktop machine.

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