* Questions presented by Iraq to the Security Council

 Baghdad 25, July 2002

 Questions presented by Iraq's Foreign Minister to the UN Secretary
General in the session of talks on March 7, 2002 and demanded the
Security Council answer on them.

  1 - What is your vision and assessment to what we have reached after
      seven years and seven months of Iraq's cooperation with the
      Special Committee and the International Agency of Atomic Energy?
      How would this cooperation be used to build on?

  2 - If one or two of the Security Council permanent members say that
      they are not assured of disarmament, we want to know what do
      they want to be assured of? What do they search for? What is the
      necessary time to complete this? We also ought to be satisfied,
      not only the Security Council, in order to go on cooperating
      with it. If they have any doubt about a certain site or activity,
      we ought to know about it.

  3 - How do you explain a stance of a permanent member in the Security
      Council which officially calls to invade Iraq and impose an agent
      regime on its people by force in a clear violation of the Security
      Council resolutions themselves which clearly state to respect
      Iraq's sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity and
      the rules of the international law and the UN Charter. At the
      same time, it demands Iraq implementing the Security Council

  4 - Is the Security Council seriously stick on its mandate and the
      resolutions which it issued, in particular resolution 687 on
      April 3, 1991, and the fair, legal reading for this Resolution?
      The Security Council is subject to the US explanation of the
      resolutions and to what it (the US) is issuing of unilateral
      resolutions concerning Iraq.

  5 - How could normal relation between Iraq and the Security Council
      be achieved under the current, declared US policy, seeking to
      invade Iraq and change by force the patriotic political regime
      in it?

  6 - The United States continuously declares that the economic
      sanctions imposed on Iraq will remain as long as the patriotic
      political regime in Iraq stays, what is the Security Council
      stance over this policy, which violates the relevant Security
      Council resolutions?

  7 - What are the guarantees that the United Nations could offer to
      prevent interference between Iraq's relation with the United
      Nations and the political, aggressive US goals?

  8 - The concept of synchronization in implementing the reciprocal
      obligations stated in the Security Council resolutions related
      to Iraq is necessary and essential to rebuild confidence between
      Iraq and the Security Council. What are your speculations on
      the obligations related to Iraq's rights, foremost the lifting
      of the sanctions, respect of Iraq's sovereignty, independence
      and territorial integrity and make the Mid-East region free of
      weapons of mass destruction. Those obligations, the Security
      Council ought to implement, to open a new page of cooperation
      between Iraq and the United Nations? How could we set up a
      mechanism that secures synchronizing the implementation of two
      sides' obligations?

  9 - Security Council resolutions and not to demand the same from
      a permanent member in the Security Council which continues
      violating those resolutions, especially those related to
      respecting Iraq's sovereignty, independence and territorial
      integrity, and officially vows that its policy aims to invade
      the Republic of Iraq and impose an agent government on its

 10 - After disclosure of the spying activities of former UNSCOM
      inspectors and the International Agency of Atomic Energy
      according to the confessions made by some of the special
      committee members and statements issued by US sources and
      some Security Council permanent members and what was acknowledged
      by the General Secretariat. Is it fair that inspectors return
      to Iraq who could be used to spy against Iraq and its leadership
      and to update information about Iraq's vital economic
      installations to bomb them in a coming aggression?

 11 - Could the United Nations secure that those coming to Iraq are
      not spies and will not commit spying activities?

 12 - Could the UN guarantee elimination of the two no-fly zones? Could
      the UN guarantee the upcoming inspection would not be a prelude
      for an aggression on Iraq as in 1998? Could the UN guarantee that
      the U.S. would not attack Iraq during the inspecting operations
      like wise along the seven years and a half from may 1991 to
      December 1998.

 13 - What is the secretary general view about the time required for
      the inspection teams that could make them sure that Iraq does
      not have weapons of mass destruction and inform the Security
      Council on this fact? What are methods of which the UN thinks
      of using in this aspect and how far its coincidence with related
      international accords?

 14 - How would inspectors of whom states are declaring the bids
      officially to threaten Iraq's national security and invade
      it apply international unbiased mandate on Iraq or respect
      the Security Council resolutions and their duties in virtue
      of the charter? The presence of US and British inspectors
      at the special committee and international agency for atomic
      energy helped in collecting intelligence data and specify
      locations that were targeted in their aggression. All location
      which had been visited by the inspections teams were exposed
      in 1998 aggression including the presidential sites despite
      the inspectors have affirmed being clear from weapons of mass
      destruction. Besides, the American and British have bombed all
      the industrial sites according to inspectors' data while they
      were under continuous monitoring.

 15 - What is the secretary general's view over structure of UNIMOVIC?
      And is it plausible to approve some individuals who had violated
      their unbiased mandate and duties in addition to reputation of
      their organization (the UN) when they acted espionage on Iraq?

 16 - What is the mandate of UNIMOVIC? The UN statement and documents
      released up to now are ambiguous? How far is the authority of
      its head? And what is the delegates' committee authority?
      What is the form of the secretary general supervision on its
      functioning. And what are the guarantees that the committee
      and its chief would not abuse their authority? What are the
      guarantees that this committee would not violate Iraq's
      sovereign rights?

 17 - Dropping 120,000 tones of bombs, including 800 tones of depleted
      uranium, on Iraq during 1991 aggression and the aggressions that
      followed, in addition to the all- out, 12-years blockade have
      led to a semi- demolition of economic, health, education and
      service infrastructure. Iraq needs to utilize all its resources
      when sanctions are lifted to rebuild its basic installations.
      The question of compensations with their high rate stands as
      a big obstacle to this. What does the secretary general see to
      correct this situation? Does he intend to send expert teams to
      Iraq to discuss the question of rebuilding and its costs and
      prepare the requirements to urge the Security Council to
      reconsider the question of compensations?

 18 - The blockade and the military aggressions launched by the United
      States and Britain against Iraq since 1991 have caused huge
      material and human losses in Iraq. What is the possibilities
      of reconsidering, within the comprehensive solution based
      on justice, for compensating Iraq for human material and
      psychological damages and losses that its people were suffering
      from on the same base adopted by the security council on

 19 - Iraq has a firm right of self-defense under article 15 of the
      charter, though the security council had to abided with its
      commitments and respecting Iraq's sovereignty and territories
      integrity which encouraging regional and none- regional parties
      to violate Iraq's national security. How do you look at the
      question of Iraq's right of self-defense and the use of what
      the international law and charter secures it of the right to
      possess the defense weapons?




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