你好, 有人发表了一条针对 gnome-settings-daemon - master - po (中文(中国)) 的新评论。 https://l10n.gnome.org/vertimus/gnome-settings-daemon/master/po/zh_CN
这个是最近才加进来的功能[1], 做为g-s-d的插件来共享网络连接,需要翻译的字段就是该插件的属性说明. <schema gettext-domain="@GETTEXT_PACKAGE@" id="org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.sharing.service"> <key name="enabled-connections" type="as"> <default>[]</default> <_summary>On which connections the service is enabled</_summary> 已经启用共享服务的连接 <_description>The list of NetworkManager connections (each one represented with its UUID) on which this service is enabled and started.</_description> 已经启用和启动共享服务的网络连接列表(以UUID表示). 这是大概的意思,翻译的时候可以再斟酌一下,感兴趣的可以看看patch,多谢! [1] commit 0fb38bb7e4b2335c515c85d7510c30115db5b8ce Author: Bastien Nocera <had...@hadess.net> Date: Fri Jun 13 17:04:35 2014 +0200 sharing: Implement Sharing manager This D-Bus service tracks the current primary mean of connecting to the Internet, or the network (NetworkManager's "primary-connection" property). Properties exported are: - s CurrentNetwork, the NetworkManager unique identifier for the connection used. This name will be in the output of "nmcli c" If empty, we're offline - s CarrierType, the connection (and therefore media) used to access the network. It corresponds to the TYPE column in the output of "nmcli c" - s SharingStatus, the current status of sharing. It is one of: - offline, there's no network so no sharing possible - available, there is a network connection, so we could be sharing something - disabled-mobile-broadband, sharing is not possible because the main network access is through a mobile device - disabled-low-security, the network used is too insecure to offer sharing, such as unencrypted Wi-Fi Services supported are one of: - rygel - vino-server - gnome-user-share-webdav It offers 3 methods, one to enable (EnableService) services on the current network, one to disable services (DisableService) on particular networks, and one to list the networks on which each service is enabled (ListNetworks). https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=731726 BinLi -- 这是一封 l10n.gnome.org 自动发出的信件。 -- 您收到此邮件是因为您订阅了 Google 网上论坛的“i18n-zh”论坛。 要退订此论坛并停止接收此论坛的电子邮件,请发送电子邮件到i18n-zh+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com。 要向此网上论坛发帖,请发送电子邮件至 i18n-zh@googlegroups.com。 通过以下网址访问此论坛:http://groups.google.com/group/i18n-zh。 要查看更多选项,请访问 https://groups.google.com/d/optout。