
At Mon, 7 Jan 2002 18:05:25 +0100 (CET),
Bruno Haible wrote:

> It doesn't make sense. On Linux and most other Unix systems, the
> character set supported by the C locale is US-ASCII. No french
> characters, no U+20AC either.
> Remember that the C locale exists only to make portable behaviour of
> command line programs possible, It is not meant to be used by humans.

Right!  Thus, it had been an illegal usage to use ISO-8859-1 in C
locale.  (I wonder why many softwares were designed to enable such
illegal usage.)  When I internationalized softwares (i.e., locale-
enabling), I got "bug" reports from such people like "i18n is only
for asian people and please stop doing i18n in the upstream level"
and I was forced to write a code to manage locale-ignorant people.

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