Dear all


Currently I’m using RedHat7.1 (Xfree86-4.0.3; glibc-2.2.2) and happy enough with few Unicode supports for my lang (vietnamese) in Xwindow enviroment (LANG=vi_VN.UTF-8 startx).


I mean, the system can display correctly menu, desktop items, warning messages... – all with Unicode (ISO10646) fonts.

(I made myself translations for some small utilities, ex: gnumeric, gedit, ..(*.po; .directory files) – and of cource using the UTF-8 format)


Followings are settings on my box


+ For Xfree86 config files (/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale):

locale.dir -> I inserted: en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE: vi_VN.UTF-8

locale.alias -> I did nothing

compose.dir -> I inserted: en_US.UTF-8/Compose: vi_VN.UTF-8 (The Compose file is the good one received from MandrakeSoftGroup - [EMAIL PROTECTED], but I think the “Compose” file is not critical here. It’s main role is just for typing issue – Maybe I’m wrong ??)


+ For locale definition at libc level

localedef -i vi_VN -f UTF-8 vi_VN.utf8

(vi_VN and UTF-8 files: already included with RedHat distro CD sets: They reside in /usr/share/i18n/locale and /usr/share/i18n/charmaps respectively)


+ For default LANG at startup

/etc/sysconfig/i18n -> LANG=vi_VN.UTF-8


Now I’d like to switch to RedHat7.2 (Xfree86-4.1.0; glibc-2.2.4) cause they say: RedHat7.2 is capable to support wider range of both:

VGA and soundCards.


But things go stranger when applying configurations mentioned above -> newly installed RedHat7.2 system.

Instead of real unicode characters, Xwindow just displays the coresponding UTF-8 strings (the problem happenned with all accented unicode characters). For example:


<dead_grave> <uhorn> : "ừ" U1eeb -> ừ

(uhorn <-> U01b0)


Trying a while, I found that: vi_VN files included in RedHat7.1 and RedHat7.2 are so different (by using ‘diff’ utility). Maybe it’s a reason ??

Can anyone of you point me the right way??



The second thing annoying me so much during last 3 moths is: “Tying unicode characters in Xwindows – with LANG=vi_VN.UTF-8” (on RedHat7.1: Xfree86-4.0.3; glibc-2.2.2)

Here is a configuration I made for xkb

/etc/X11/Xf86Config -> {



XkbKeycodes "Xfree86"

XkbTypes    "default"  

XkbCompat   "default"

XkbSymbols  "us(pc101)"

XkbGeometry "pc" 

XkbRules    "xfree86"

XkbModels   "pc101"    

XkbLayout   "vn_utf8"  


(Typing mode is based on keysym combinations defined in “Compose” file: <dead_key> + something; <Multi_key> + something)


When starting X with LANG=en_US.UTF-8 -> I can type, and have correct unicode characters displayed in serveral apps: Mozilla, gnumeric, OpenOffice, ...


But If I start X with LANG=vi_VN.UTF-8 -> all accented unicode characters I typed  are being displayed in form of corr UTF8 strings – in all apps, except OpenOffice (stranger ??)


I wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED], got some good tips to cope with it. But the final solution is still somewhere in the “AIR”


(I don't mention here the file "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/vn_utf8" (including key, dead_key definitions for xkb) as it works very well in en_US.UTF-8 env.)


Any tips for this issue ??





Nguyen quoc Binh









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