
At 31 Jan 2002 13:28:22 +0000,
Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:

> Hi Tomohiro,
> I agree with the general idea.  I would like to change a few details.

Thank you.  I tried implementation last night and it is working
almost well.

> I would suggest one new resource:
>   XTerm*utf8Filter: /usr/X11R6/bin/luit

I added it, with name "localeConverter".  (I prefer to use "locale"
in the keyword, than to use "utf8".  Thus, "localeFilter" would be
also OK.)

> If utf8Filter is set, and XTerm is in UTF-8 mode, XTerm will spawn
>   <filter> prog args
> instead of 
>   prog args

Yes, but I am using "locale" now.

> In addition, I suggest that the utf8 resource should be changed to a
> tri-valued flag: it can be false, true, or auto, the latter meaning
> that XTerm should run in UTF-8 mode if the locale is multi-byte, and
> in eight-bit mode if it is not.

A good idea.  In "auto" mode, luit should be used not only in multibyte
encodings but also in combining-character encodings such as Thai TIS-620

An another idea is that luit should be used in all non-ISO-8859-1 locales
in "auto" mode, or to prepare two different "auto" modes.  It depends
on whether people from various countries tend to hope to use luit or
to prefer manual font configuration  (For example, Russian users have
to write resource to use Russian font unless using luit).  It is a
tradeoff between convenience and performance.

> The defaults for these resources should be
>   XTerm*utf8Filter: <projectroot>/bin/luit
>   XTerm*utf8: auto  (or perhaps true?)

I prefer "true", but I am afraid that many people will complain
because it breaks compatibility.  Thus, "auto" is a good candidate.

> TK>  - emulate doublewidth de-facto standard for east Asian encodings
> TK>    (using http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ucs/scw-proposal.html ?)
> With all due respect, I refuse to implement Markus' proposal.

I know you don't like to introduce "state".  I think we can use
a subset of Markus' proporsal without state.  Indeed, all what we
have to use is "CSI 1 w" sequence.  Inserting the sequence before
each EastAsianAmbiguous character (and a few more characters written
in "Width problems" in http://www.debian.or.jp/~kubota/unicode-symbols.html)
is enough.

> TK>  - whether xterm or luit will support BiDi or not.  Usage of fribidi
> TK>    may have license problem (like Robert Brady's patch).
> My personal opionion is that BIDI belongs above the terminal emulator.

Though I don't have enough motivation to discuss on this point because
I am not a native speaker of RTL/BIDI languages, all people who speak
Arab/Hebrew who I know wanted terminal emulators to support BIDI (though
only a few people).  If these people really want it, it would be these
people's labor to persuade you (and others with same opinion).

> And the number 1 item: include your fix for SS in EUC-JP (actually a
> slightly improved version).

Yes.  However, I don't know how to improve my patch.  Do you have
any idea?

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