Hi all ..
  It seems that again there is some problems with the Arabic keymap file :

If I may ask .. I see in the file lines like this :

    key <AB01> { [  ], [Arabic_hamzaonyeh,    asciitilde       ]       };
    key <AB02> { [  ], [    Arabic_hamza,      Arabic_sukun    ]       };
    key <AB03> { [  ], [Arabic_hamzaonwaw,     Arabic_kasra    ]       };
    key <AB04> { [  ], [       Arabic_ra,      Arabic_kasratan ]       };
    key <AB05> { [  ], [       0x100fefb,      0x100fef5       ]       };
    key <AB06> { [  ], [Arabic_alefmaksura, Arabic_maddaonalef ]       };

Where are the 'Arabic_ra' and 'Arabic_hamza' are defined ? I want to know 
because it seems that the key <AB05> got the wrong maping ..
Another thing .. If I want to make the key <AB05> for instance do 2 letters 
in one strok .. is it right to do :

key <AB05> { [  ], [Arabic_lam + Arabic_alef,Arabic_lam + Arabic_hamzanalef ] 


Isam Bayazidi
Amman - Jordan
 Think Linux + Think Arabic = Think www.arabeyes.org
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