
On Fri, 15 Feb 2002, Akber Choudhry wrote:

> A preliminary analysis of the ECMA bidi specs, TR-053, reveals that bidi
> is a function of a character imaging device.
> [quote]
> Applications that are designed to handle bi-directional data streams can
> fully control the functionality of a bidirectional
> device. Such applications are called "bi-directionality-aware"
> applications.
> On the other hand, there is a need to allow applications not designed to
> handle bi-directional data streams to
> function reasonably well in a bi-directional environment, making this
> environment "transparent" to the application.
> Such applications are called "bi-directionality-unaware" applications.
> [/quote]
> The X server is a character imaging device, and VT102 (the original dumb
> terminal) is one too.

Is the X server a character imaging device? You basically require the X
server to keep track of characters tht it needs to "print". Handling a
single request is easy. But figuring that several requests belong in the
same "context" (e.g: several lines are part of the same paragraph, the
selection) is harder.

> It appears that the X server should provide bidi
> funcationality to character streams emanating from bi-di-unaware
> applications while Xterm (as a VT emulator) should be a bidi-aware
> application that sends out (optionally) bidi-compliant stream to the X
> server.

If you want some approximation (doesn't work at the server level, but does
not require recompilation of any sort): see he following hack:


Maybe a similar hack can be implemented at the X server level (I have no
idea if the X server recieves complete strings). Anyway, this is a hack.
It is probably only worth the effort if the effort is not big.

All in all, the fact that bidi *is* being implemented in applications
means that there is less incentive to put much effort in adding bidi
support in the X server.

Tzafrir Cohen

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