now Mandrake have tool which can change keyboard from us to bg(phonetic) 
and so on. Kxkb use /etc/X11/xkb/ to compile own db with languages.
And so on and so on. But Kxkb can't use definitions like bg(phonetic)
it change ones to correct type, and next time used first difinitions in 
language file, for exsample /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/bg. 
Anton Zinoviev tells me that Kxkb is wrong.
Pablo Saratxaga tells me that Kxkb reads what xkb gives.
I can't find who to ask at kde.org
and so on...
and bulgarians can't type correctly without other software like bglinux 
from Anton Zinoviev.
/etc/X11/xkb/symbols/bg have 4 definitions for xkb_symbols : bds, 
bds_enchanced, bg_phonetic, bg_phonteic_enhanced.
ALL other files for different languages have only one difinition and all 
of them are defined like "basic"(there are 4 for US - us*).
Can someone to tell me what is better to be done.
I think that divideing bg to to files one for bg with definitions for BDS
(Bulgarina National Standart (OLD)) - bg, and one for Phonetic (most used 
in Bulgaria) - bg_phontic.
If we have this. Next when mantainer for one distributoion compile KDE , 
kxkb will have one more definition for bulgarian and will swiched it 

Bozhan Boiadzheiv

PS. Sorry for bad english.
PS1. I don't know much about X, KDE, and programing in C(C++).
PS2. I am attaching files with changes for which i am talking about.
PS3. I am just tring to help.

// $Xorg: ca,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:54:42 cpqbld Exp $

// Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 by Anton Zinoviev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
// This software may be used, modified, copied, distributed, and sold,
// in both source and binary form provided that the above copyright
// and these terms are retained. Under no circumstances is the author
// responsible for the proper functioning of this software, nor does
// the author assume any responsibility for damages incurred with its
// use.

// $XFree86: xc/programs/xkbcomp/symbols/bg,v 3.3 2001/01/17 23:45:57 dawes Exp $

// Version 1.6r1

// Thanks to Ivan Pascal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for improvements in this file.

partial alphanumeric_keys 
xkb_symbols "basic" {

  // Describes the differences between a very simple en_US keyboard
  // and a very simple Bulgarian phonetic keyboard with publishing
  // symbols in the third level.

  name[Group1]= "Latin";
  name[Group2]= "Cyrillic";

  key.type = "THREE_LEVEL";

  key <TLDE> {[ quoteleft,         asciitilde,        degree               ],
              [ Cyrillic_che,      Cyrillic_CHE,      degree               ]};
  key <AE01> {[ 1,                 exclam,            multiply             ],
              [ 1,                 exclam,            multiply             ]};
  key <AE02> {[ 2,                 at,                division             ],
              [ 2,                 at,                division             ]};
  key <AE03> {[ 3,                 numbersign,        plusminus            ],
              [ 3,                 numbersign,        plusminus            ]};
  key <AE04> {[ 4,                 dollar,            notsign              ],
              [ 4,                 dollar,            notsign              ]};
  // I want here per mille sign, but it is not defined X keysym.
  key <AE05> {[ 5,                 percent,           NoSymbol             ],
              [ 5,                 percent,           NoSymbol             ]};
  key <AE06> {[ 6,                 asciicircum,       notequal             ],
              [ 6,                 asciicircum,       notequal             ]};
  key <AE07> {[ 7,                 ampersand,         ampersand            ],
              [ 7,                 ampersand,         ampersand            ]};
  key <AE08> {[ 8,                 asterisk,          asterisk             ],
              [ 8,                 asterisk,          asterisk             ]};
  key <AE09> {[ 9,                 parenleft,         bracketleft          ],
              [ 9,                 parenleft,         bracketleft          ]};
  key <AE10> {[ 0,                 parenright,        bracketright         ],
              [ 0,                 parenright,        bracketright         ]};
  key <AE11> {[ minus,             underscore,        X                    ],
              [ minus,             underscore,        X                    ]};
  key <AE12> {[ equal,             plus,              L                    ],
              [ equal,             plus,              L                    ]};

  key <AD01> {[ q,                 Q,                 apostrophe           ],
              [ Cyrillic_ya,       Cyrillic_YA,       apostrophe           ]};
  key <AD02> {[ w,                 W,                 grave                ],
              [ Cyrillic_ve,       Cyrillic_VE,       grave                ]};
  key <AD03> {[ e,                 E,                 EuroSign             ],
              [ Cyrillic_ie,       Cyrillic_IE,       EuroSign             ]};
  key <AD04> {[ r,                 R,                 registered           ],
              [ Cyrillic_er,       Cyrillic_ER,       registered           ]};
  key <AD05> {[ t,                 T,                 trademark            ],
              [ Cyrillic_te,       Cyrillic_TE,       trademark            ]};
  key <AD06> {[ y,                 Y,                 yen                  ],
              [ Cyrillic_hardsign, Cyrillic_HARDSIGN, yen                  ]};
  key <AD07> {[ u,                 U,                 doublelowquotemark   ],
              [ Cyrillic_u,        Cyrillic_U,        doublelowquotemark   ]};
  key <AD08> {[ i,                 I,                 leftdoublequotemark  ],
              [ Cyrillic_i,        Cyrillic_I,        leftdoublequotemark  ]};
  key <AD09> {[ o,                 O,                 rightdoublequotemark ],
              [ Cyrillic_o,        Cyrillic_O,        rightdoublequotemark ]};
  // I want here `P' in a circle, but it is not defined X keysym.
  key <AD10> {[ p,                 P,                 NoSymbol             ],
              [ Cyrillic_pe,       Cyrillic_PE,       NoSymbol             ]};
  key <AD11> {[ bracketleft,       braceleft,         braceleft            ],
              [ Cyrillic_sha,      Cyrillic_SHA,      braceleft            ]};
  key <AD12> {[ bracketright,      braceright,        braceright           ],
              [ Cyrillic_shcha,    Cyrillic_SHCHA,    braceright           ]};

  key <AC01> {[ a,                 A,                 mu                   ],
              [ Cyrillic_a,        Cyrillic_A,        mu                   ]};
  key <AC02> {[ s,                 S,                 sterling             ],
              [ Cyrillic_es,       Cyrillic_ES,       sterling             ]};
  key <AC03> {[ d,                 D,                 dollar               ],
              [ Cyrillic_de,       Cyrillic_DE,       dollar               ]};
  key <AC04> {[ f,                 F,                 cent                 ],
              [ Cyrillic_ef,       Cyrillic_EF,       cent                 ]};
  key <AC05> {[ g,                 G,                 Cyrillic_yeru        ],
              [ Cyrillic_ghe,      Cyrillic_GHE,      Cyrillic_yeru        ]};
  key <AC06> {[ h,                 H,                 Cyrillic_YERU        ],
              [ Cyrillic_ha,       Cyrillic_HA,       Cyrillic_YERU        ]};
  key <AC07> {[ j,                 J,                 Cyrillic_e           ],
              [ Cyrillic_shorti,   Cyrillic_SHORTI,   Cyrillic_e           ]};
  key <AC08> {[ k,                 K,                 Cyrillic_E           ],
              [ Cyrillic_ka,       Cyrillic_KA,       Cyrillic_E           ]};
  key <AC09> {[ l,                 L,                 numerosign           ],
              [ Cyrillic_el,       Cyrillic_EL,       numerosign           ]};
  key <AC10> {[ semicolon,         colon,             section              ],
              [ semicolon,         colon,             section              ]};
  key <AC11> {[ quoteright,        quotedbl,          ellipsis             ],
              [ quoteright,        quotedbl,          ellipsis             ]};
  key <BKSL> {[ backslash,         bar,               bar                  ],
              [ Cyrillic_yu,       Cyrillic_YU,       bar                  ]};

  key <LSGT> {[ less,              greater,           NoSymbol             ],
              [ less,              greater,           NoSymbol             ]};
  key <AB01> {[ z,                 Z,                 emdash               ],
              [ Cyrillic_ze,       Cyrillic_ZE,       emdash               ]};
  key <AB02> {[ x,                 X,                 endash               ],
              [ Cyrillic_softsign, Cyrillic_SOFTSIGN, endash               ]};
  key <AB03> {[ c,                 C,                 copyright            ],
              [ Cyrillic_tse,      Cyrillic_TSE,      copyright            ]};
  key <AB04> {[ v,                 V,                 NoSymbol             ],
              [ Cyrillic_zhe,      Cyrillic_ZHE,      NoSymbol             ]};
  key <AB05> {[ b,                 B,                 NoSymbol             ],
              [ Cyrillic_be,       Cyrillic_BE,       NoSymbol             ]};
  key <AB06> {[ n,                 N,                 less                 ],
              [ Cyrillic_en,       Cyrillic_EN,       less                 ]};
  key <AB07> {[ m,                 M,                 greater              ],
              [ Cyrillic_em,       Cyrillic_EM,       greater              ]};
  key <AB08> {[ comma,             less,              guillemotleft        ],
              [ comma,             less,              guillemotleft        ]};
  key <AB09> {[ period,            greater,           guillemotright       ],
              [ period,            greater,           guillemotright       ]};
  key <AB10> {[ slash,             question,          backslash            ],
              [ slash,             question,          backslash            ]};

  // End alphanumeric section

  key <SPCE> {[ space,             space,             nobreakspace         ]};
  key <RALT> {  type="TWO_LEVEL",[ Alt_R,             Meta_R               ]};
  // Begin modifier mappings 
  modifier_map Shift  { Shift_L };
  modifier_map Lock   { Caps_Lock, ISO_Lock };
  modifier_map Control{ Control_L };
  modifier_map Mod3   { Mode_switch };

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