On Fri, 12 Apr 2002, Hideki Hiura wrote:

> > From: Owen Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> For example, here is the one used in Solaris for en_US.UTF-8 locale, 
> which I think is virtually identical with the one in X.Org's X11R6.6.x.

  en_US.UTF-8 in Solaris below  includes ksc5601.1992-3 (JOHAB) and
you wrote that it's virtually identical to the one in X.Org's
X11R6.6.x. Does it mean that JOHAB (ksc5601.1992-3) support has been added
to X11R6.6.x ?  

> fs10  {
>       charset KSC5601.1992-3:GLGR
>       font    {
>               primary KSC5601.1992-3:GLGR
>       }
> }

> cs10  {
>       side            GR:Default
>       length          2
>       ct_encoding     KSC5601.1992-3:GLGR
>       byte1           \x88,\xf9
>       byte2           \x31,\xfe
>       cs_conversion_file      conv_tables/KSC-JOHAP.GLGR.txt
>       cs_conversion_table     conv_tables/KSC-JOHAP.GLGR

  My understaning is that Solaris has ksc5601.1992-3 in
aa_BB.UTF-8 because ksc5601.1987-0 doesn't cover the full set of Hangul
syllables in ISO 10646, right? 

  When I submitted the font encoding file for ksc5601.1992-3 to include
in XF86, Juliusz and I talked briefly about including ksc5601.1992-3
support (beyond just being able to present truetype fonts as in
ksc5601.1992-3 font encoding with freetype moudle), but we concluded (or
rather, he suggested) that we don't have to because iso10646-1 will do
the job, instead. However, if we follow Owen's suggestion quoted below,
I think we'd better have ksc5601.1992-3 support in XF86 as well.

Owen> And for other locales (CJK languages), we should have separate UTF-8
Owen> XLC_LOCALE files that list the language's encoding first, followed
Owen> by 10646-1 afterwards.

  Anyway, I have the same reservation as Owen about a long
list of fontsets. Can we go on adding 'legacy/traditional' font encodings
to aa_BB.utf-8 this way?  The list may get longer...  JIS X 0213-p[1-2],
CNS 10xxx-p[1-7], 'planes' for GB 18030 support immediately come to my
mind as missing in en_US.UTF-8  on Solaris..

 Another BTW, is there any good documentation/tutorial to help me
understand/decipher XLC_LOCALE file format (or compose a new one)?
Is reading the source code  the only way?

  Thank you,


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