>   Also the options list actually is not a plain list. It contains particular
> options descriptions and common descriptions for 'groups of options' mixed.
> Since the API function returns all those descriptions as plain list each
> application needs do some additional parsing for such list.
>   Since the API and the *.lst file need be changed we decided don't invent
> own format but use an XML for the description file.  (A DTD draft attached.)
>   Note that such changes don't touch other parts of XFree becouse it seems
> no one application from XFree distributive uses that file.  (Actually there
> is at least one which uses, it's a xf86config. But for the first time an 'old
> style' *.lst files can be generated automaticaly from *.xml files at
> installation time.)  Thus what we need now is keeping this file up to date
> only.
>   But there are some issues which we still have not agreement for.
>   First of all we would like to have descriptions translated to other
> languages (as many as possible).  An existent *.lst files scheme implies that
> translated descriptions are placed in separate files for each language.
> Should we use the same approach for new files or keep all descriptions in
> one file?  (A proposed DTD implies the last approach.)
>   The next one, althought the variants lists are subsections of layout
> elements there are some variants that are repeated in many layouts
> ('nodeadkeys' or 'phonetic' for example). Would it better to keep descriptions
> themself in the global section and use references to them in layout elements
> or put similar descriptions into each layout variants subsection?
>   And finally, what place is better for the *.xml and *.dtd files?
> Now I intend to put them into xkb/rules directory. But maybe someone know
> the better place?
>   Any comments?

I had no time to do but I think it should be somehow compatible with
a new .sg and layer design. I'm looking forward to summer when I will more
likely have the time.  Could you pass me over the contact to those GUI guys?


> -- 
>  Ivan U. Pascal         |   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>    Administrator of     |   Tomsk State University
>      University Network |       Tomsk, Russia

Content-Description: xkb.dtd
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="koi8-r"?>
> <!--
>   Description: XKB configuration file DTD
>   Author: Sergey V. Udaltsov
> -->
> <!ELEMENT xkbConfigRegistry (modelList,layoutList,optionList)>
> <!ELEMENT modelList (configItem*)>
> <!ELEMENT layoutList (layout*)>
> <!ELEMENT layout (configItem,variantList?)>
> <!ELEMENT optionList (group*)>
> <!ELEMENT variantList (configItem*)>
> <!ELEMENT group (configItem*,option*)>
> <!ATTLIST group
>           allowMultipleChoice (true|false) "false">
> <!ELEMENT option (configItem*)>
> <!ELEMENT configItem (name,description*)>
> <!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA)>
> <!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)>
> <!ATTLIST description
>           lang CDATA #IMPLIED>

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