
I set myself up a *long* time ago (with Xfree 2.x and later 3.x) and got a
setup I kind of liked (for typing French on qwerty keyboards).
1) Compose for things like «
2) Dead keys for ê
3) Using the 5th and 6th column of characters (second mode switch) 

In other words, I had this working a *long* time ago:
keycode  26 = e E eacute egrave ecircumflex ediaeresis ecircumflex ediaeresis

Unfortunately, I have failed to ever get my second modifier key (mapped to
Control_R) to ever work after I upgraded Xfree ages ago.
This setup is kind of nice because I can get ê with two keys instead of 3.

I  read  that  the  mappings  5  to 8  aren't  garanteed  to  work  and  are
implementation specific. I know they used to  work, but is it still possible
to do this today? Is there a magic Mode_switch2 name that I can assign to my
right control key? (I tried Num_Lock without success)


Right now, my Xmodmap looks like this:

clear    control
!! clearing and re-setting mod1 used to prevent Meta from working in Motif apps
clear    mod1
clear    mod2
clear    mod3
clear    mod4
clear    mod5

! This is still broken on many distributions
keycode  22 = BackSpace

keycode  15 = 6 asciicircum dead_circumflex dead_circumflex
keycode  49 = grave asciitilde dead_grave dead_grave
keycode  48 = apostrophe quotedbl dead_acute dead_diaeresis

keycode  38 = a A agrave agrave acircumflex adiaeresis acircumflex adiaeresis
keycode  26 = e E eacute egrave ecircumflex ediaeresis ecircumflex ediaeresis
keycode  30 = u U ugrave ugrave ucircumflex udiaeresis ucircumflex udiaeresis
keycode  31 = i I icircumflex idiaeresis icircumflex idiaeresis icircumflex idiaeresis
keycode  32 = o O ocircumflex odiaeresis ocircumflex odiaeresis ocircumflex odiaeresis
keycode  54 = c C ccedilla ccedilla ccedilla ccedilla ccedilla ccedilla

! Left Alt Key default
!keycode  64 = Alt_L Meta_L

! Scroll lock default
! keycode  78 = Scroll_Lock
! Let's set scroll lock to the multi key (compose)
keycode  78 = Multi_key

! Right Control Key default
! keycode 109 = Control_R
! keycode 109 = Multi_key Control_R
keycode 109 = Num_Lock Control_R

! Right Alt Key default
!keycode 113 = Alt_R Meta_R
keycode 113 = Mode_switch Alt_R Meta_R

!! Now, we can set the modifiers
!! This way, it will work regardless of what entries we have in XF86Config
!! In theory, the order of the modifiers doesn't matter (except for mod1)
!add     shift   = Shift_L Shift_R
!add     lock    = Caps_Lock
add     control = Control_L
add     mod1    = Alt_L
!! Mode_switch gives access to the 3rd and 4th mappings for keys
add     mod2    = Mode_switch
!add     mod3    = 
add     mod4    = Num_Lock
!! Multi_key is compose
add     mod5    = Multi_key

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