
> I have got a notebook with a trackpad and 2 mouse buttons. The middle button
> is emulated. I find it very inconvenient to press these 2 buttons at once.
> But I have got the 2 windows buttons I have never used with linux.
> Is it feasible to redefine the combination of pressing the windows key
> (reported as Super_L by xev) and mouse button 1 as mouse button 2 and
> let's say Super_L+Shift (or ALT)+mouse button 1 as mouse button3?

XKB allows emulate mouse button events by keyboard keys.  But there is not
simple way to use keys as modifiers for real mouse buttons.
There are special keysyms such as Pointer_Button1, Pointer_Button2, etc.
which can be assigned to any keyboard key.  Also the keyboard should be
switched to 'mouse keys mode'.  In this mode these keysyms prodice mouse
buttons events.

> Further I want the Menu button (reported as Menu by xev) to behave like an ALT
> key. I have noticed Alt_L reports only one keypress/keyrelease event pair if
> pressed for a longer period but Menu generates a lot of them. How to change
> that?

IIRC the keyboard driver automaticaly cancels autorepeat if a key has keysym
that is a modifier (Alt_*, Shift_*, Control_*) independly on wht physical
key it is.  You can assign Alt_L keysym to the key you want ant test it.
(You can use xmodmap for such experiments.)  Anyway if such canceling doesn't
work you can disable an autorepeat explicitly in a keyboard map.

> Can that all be achieved configuring xkb?

Yes.  But you need to edit keyboard maps manualy (or use xmodmap).  The XKB
options in XF86Config allow to choose some set of keymap pieces already
prepared.  If your wishes are unusual (they are) there are not corresponded
predefined submaps in XKB configure files and you need to write all changes
into those files yourself.
 Ivan U. Pascal         |   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Administrator of     |   Tomsk State University
     University Network |       Tomsk, Russia
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