
> You can get some information through MSDN....

> But as you describes later, in theory any application is free to use any
> other symbols map obtained from  any other source. That's what I want.
Yes.  And such approach doesn't require any changes in existent design but
just additional API.

> My idea may be controversial, but I think it worth a try.
I think both approaches don't contradict.  It would be good if by default
an application loads keymaps from a centralized store buf if anyone (programmer
or user) wants a keymaps from other source he can easy do it.  (The default
behavior could be triggered too.)

> I will do some programming work to see if it is practical.
OK. I wish you success.

 Ivan U. Pascal         |   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Administrator of     |   Tomsk State University
     University Network |       Tomsk, Russia
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