
Many thanks for this. The integration of I2NSF with the recent results in the 
area of remote attestation is one of the aspects we wanted to consider in an 
I2NSF rechartering proposal we are finalizing and will share on the list soon. 
Actually, our ideas go along the following issues to improve the I2NSF approach 
to security function management:

  *   The automation of security management procedures, considering the 
integration with general automation and autonomic mechanisms, as defined by the 
OPS Area
  *   Mechanisms for guiding and verifying policy translation
  *   The implications for security management of recent developments:
     *   Remote attestation procedures
     *   Trusted and oblivious execution models
     *   Container-based virtualization approaches
     *   Quantum-safe crypto (PQC, QKD…)
     *   Distributed trust and execution infrastructures (along the work of 
  *   An extended capability model, suitable for the above items

As you can imagine, we very much welcome this document and would be extremely 
interested in collaborating with you in developing it and the general approach 
to enhance trust in SFs managed through I2NSF.

Be goode,

"Esta vez no fallaremos, Doctor Infierno"

Dr Diego R. Lopez
Telefonica I+D

e-mail: diego.r.lo...@telefonica.com<mailto:diego.r.lo...@telefonica.com>
Mobile:  +34 682 051 091

On 02/12/2021, 04:46, "I2nsf on behalf of 
<i2nsf-boun...@ietf.org<mailto:i2nsf-boun...@ietf.org> on behalf of 
yangpeng...@chinamobile.com<mailto:yangpeng...@chinamobile.com>> wrote:

Hi everyone,

This is Penglin Yang from China Mobile Research Institute.  Recently, we 
composed a document named  trust enhanced I2NSF and submitted to the I2NSF 
(https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-yang-i2nsf-trust-enhanced-i2nsf/) The 
motivation of this document is trying to use remote attestation technology to 
augment the security and to enhance the trustworthiness of NSF. In this 
document we illustrated the architecture of trsuted enhanced I2NSF and the 
relevant interfaces.

We sincerely welcome everyone to comment on this document. And if you are 
interested, we can work together to promote this idea to a better version.

Penglin Yang


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