Hi Alex,

Excerpts from Alex V. Koval's message of 2012-01-29 17:50:32 +0100:
> For example, I can not find any information what does mean 'another 
> container' which appears sometimes on top?

This is the title of a container, that does not contain a window, but
only other containers.
Let me illustrate this with an example:

1. You open up a terminal

This creates a container with a window. The title of the container
becomes the title of the terminal.

2. You open a second terminal

This does the same as above, but it will also do more - the two
containers are now put together into a bigger one. Each child will have
the title of the terminal it contains, but the parent-container does not
contain a window, so it get's the title „another container“. You
normally don't see that, because containers without windows don't get
titles. There are however a few exceptions:

3. You put the parent in stacked mode. This will show a seperate titlebar
for every child of the parent, displaying it's title.
4. You then select one of the children and split it up (and say, just for
the sake of the argument, that you open up another terminal there after

Now you have a tree like this:
 / \
T1  C2
   / \
  T2  T3
Where T stands for a container having a window (the terminals) and
C{1,2} are containers, that merely have child-containers.
Now the title of C2 will be „another container“ (as above and normally
not shown) and be shown in the titlebars of C1.

So I hope that cleared it up somehow. Just think of „another container“
as meaning „there isn't just a window below this, but a whole tree“.
I think the wording „another container“ is a remnant from times, where
the tree-thing was still very experimental and that it will be replaced
by something more meaningfull in the future.

Kind regards,


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