Hello. I'm new to this list. Recently I've gotten interested in tiling
window managers, and I studied the excellent reviews of more than 30
at the Crunchbang Wiki
[http://crunchbang.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=18273] and elsewhere,
and I've tried out i3, awesome, and xmonad, and I think i3 is the one
for me. I've watched all the videos on i3 available at YouTbue
(including the one on tree structure and containers), and studied the
User Guide, but I'm a very literal-minded mathematician and I'm still
having problems with understanding and using the concept of
containers. I have three questions (in order of abstractness).

(1) I'm sitting in front of an i3-screen with a focused window. I want
to know (preferably in a semi-algorithmic statement), if I press Mod +
s, exactly which windows will be stacked. In particular, does the
answer depend on the history of the focused window?

(2) If I press mod+v and make some windows, are they all in the same
container? If I now press mod+h and make some more windows, are they
in a different container?

(3) I just don't grasp the concept of a container in i3. It seems to
me that the basic objects are windows, and that "container" is a
derived, relational notion, namely: two windows may (or may not) be in
the same container. [So, mathematically, I think of a container as an
equivalence class of windows; but I don't know what the equivalence
relation is.]

Thank you for your patience.


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