Hi Mico,

Mico Filós <elmico.fi...@gmail.com> writes:
> First of all, I wonder if I can suppress the generic borders around
> windows and have instead separators of fixed width between them (with
> separators appearing only when it is necessary to delimit windows),
> more or less like tmux does to separate panes (or like ion3/notion to
> separate frames, for that matter). In such a situation, the separators
> would not change color according to the state of the windows (only the
> color of the window titles would indicate the state). My goal is to
> show borders only when they are needed, and when that's the case, use
> a 1px line.
> Second, can I set the border between containers in a different color
> than the background color? If I am not mistaken, the background color
> sets both the background of the window title as well as the color
> around the window, and I'd like to set them separately.
> In case I didn't explain myself well, here is an image summarizing
> what I'd like to achieve: http://postimg.org/image/csjo2oqjh/
The relevant options we have in i3 for tuning the behavior in the areas
you are talking about are:

(border 1pixel)

(hide_edge_borders both)

Apart from that, see
http://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html#_changing_colors for the colors and
experiment some.

More customization options than that for border style and colors are
extremely unlikely to be accepted into i3. We already have a high number
of options, and I don’t see this as an area that is so important that it
would justify introducing more complexity. See also

Hope that helps.

Best regards,

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