
yesterday I tried to use Inkscape under i3.
When opening "object properties", the window
filled the whole screen, and my worksheet,
the main-window of the app was not visible anymore.

Similar problems did I have with other apps that use multiple windows.
An example would be Gimp in multi-window-mode, xchat (after channel search),
and there will be many more.

A program that - as counter-example - behaves well under i3 is
R. When doing a plot, a window opens and shows the plot,
and the window is opened in the same mode, in which I
set i3 (horizontal or vertical).

But the other apps, mentioned above, just open the windows somewhere, and
seemingly not predictable, and it makes these programs being
unconformtable or even unusable.

Possibly these apps open any window in "floating mode" (?).

A while ago, when I used wmii (before switching to i3),
I asked the Gimp-developers about this problem, and
how to solve it.
The answer was, that nearly nobody would use things like wmii,
so they will not support this, it's my problem, not theirs.

The single-window-mode then helped using Gimp on i3 also,
but with inkscape for example, the problem stays there.

Any ideas, on how to use such applications in i3?
Can i3 be set up in a way to handle these problems,
or would it need the applications to be changed?


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