On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 05:41:52PM +0800, 郑文辉(Techlive Zheng) wrote:
> 2013/12/31 Eero Kari <ek...@iki.fi>:
> > On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 07:20:28AM +0100, Michael Stapelberg wrote:
> >> Hi Eero,
> >>
> >> Eero Kari <ek...@iki.fi> writes:
> >> > the upcoming i3 layout restore feature almost completes my wishlist. The 
> >> > only
> >> > thing lacking is the "float split" that ion3 had. I fired up notion just 
> >> > to make
> >> > this 2-frame gif-animation showing the feature in action:
> >> >
> >> > https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/20179139/ion3-float-split.gif
> >> >
> >> > With the float split you could make two[1] containers overlap each 
> >> > other. The
> >> > amount of overlap was controlled similarly as you would resize a window. 
> >> > And the
> >> > layout stayed that way until changed it again.
> >> Thanks for the explanation.
> >>
> >> > So, I accept the feature either as built-in, or as a working script[2]. 
> >> > Either
> >> > way is fine ;)
> >> I don’t care what you people do in third-party scripts (that’s what they
> >> are there for, right? :)), but I consider it very unlikely that this
> >> feature will be merged into core i3. It does not seem worth it to me to
> >> add yet another weird special case, especially since it uses overlapping
> >> windows. Ugh. As others have pointed out, i3 is primarily a tiling
> >> window manager, and while other window managers may implement these
> >> kinds of layouts, I am not convinced it’s a good idea in i3.
> >>
> > ...aaand replying to the mailing list also after messing up and replying 
> > just to
> > Michael :) The original message below.
> >
> >
> > Hi Michael,
> >
> > Likewise, thanks for the explanation.
> >
> > I'll just drop what I had in mind in here in case someone else is 
> > interested to
> > whip up the script before I can get on with it.
> >
> > I imagine that the script would have to handle two floating windows in 
> > order to
> > avoid further resizing after the initial setup. It should just basically 
> > move
> > and resize the windows to their places and bind a key to toggle them.
> >
> >  - Eero
> Hi, Eero,
> I see the only thing missing here is a command for switching forcus
> back_and_forth between containers. With this command, you can bind the
> command to a key and manually make two floating windows overlapping,
> then just using the keybinding to switch between them.
> So here I am asking Michael, is it possible to add a command 'focus
> back_and_forth' just like the existing 'workspace back_and_forth', so
> that  what Eero is asking for is doable withouth scripting.
> Of course, this command should promote the window to the top of the
> screen, if it is floating. Currently, use keybing focusing a floating
> window does not promote it to the top of the screen.
Hi Techlive,

"focus back_and_forth" could have it's uses, but I suspect that it would be
a bit more involved to implement. I would be happy for just the focused floating
window to be promoted to the top of the screen.

Everything I want almost works already; I can have a floating terminal and
a floating browser and "focus left" or "focus right" switches nicely between
them. The only thing missing is bringing the focused window on top.

 - Eero

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