Le 09.06.2014 12:14, Michael Stapelberg a écrit :

I want to release i3 v4.8 soon, so here is a call for testing. If you
haven’t, please use an i3 build from the “next” git branch. For Debian
and Ubuntu, we have http://i3wm.org/docs/repositories.html with that
version so that you don’t need to compile it yourself.

In case you notice a grave problem, please report a bug at
http://bugs.i3wm.org/ as usual.

If nothing shows up, I’ll make a release within the next few days.

(FYI: This also means only urgent bugfix patches will be merged until
 the release is done.)


Just to be sure, is the version 4.7.3-1+g4.7.2-189-g6fe44d81 the version you speak about? Just wanted to be sure, since unlike for Ubuntu there is only one repo. Anyway, I'll test it asap, so now let's browse the changelog to try to use the new features :)

PS: thanks for your work.

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