
The problems with xfce4-notifyd were fixed recently in the development version. They should work pretty much as expected without extra configuration. The only
remaining issue is that the notification windows are not sticky.

On 06/24/2014 07:26 PM, Timothy Pollard wrote:

I upgraded to 4.8 from 4.7.2 over the weekend and I've found a small problem
with XFCE Notifications.

If they are configured to start from the top-left or top-right the first one
opens in the center rather than at the top-left or top-right as expected. If
additional notifications are opened after the first one they display as normal,
and if you configure it to open from the bottom-left or bottom-right it works
as normal as well.

Assuming you've got XFCE 4 installed you can see an example by running
xfce4-notifyd-config and using the Preview button with a different config

Note that it did work with 4.7.2, though I had had to override some settings
for windows of the XFCE4 class, essentially "for_window [class="Xfce4-notifyd"]
floating enable; border none; focus mode_toggle", but trying each of those
options individually doesn't help, and as a group they actually cause another
problem (the "border none" applies to the focused window, not the notification).

Anyone know what might be causing this? Or want more details?


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