I am also very annoyed by this behavior of vim (and other things) but
I have good hope in the neovim project which intends to solve most of
vim's shortages (www.neovim.org).

As for firefox, you can configure it so that it doesn't tabs.

2014-07-07 16:43 GMT+02:00  <berenger.mo...@neutralite.org>:
> Le 29.06.2014 12:00, Kareem a écrit :
>> On 2014-06-27 1746, C. Thomas Stover wrote:
>>> The observation I'm blabbing about now is that so many applications
>>> leverage in-application tiling as a UI paradigm, yet ironically
>>> would actually be better of being (or at least supporting)
>>> multi-window UIs so as to keep uniform tiling semantics across all
>>> running applications.
>> Amen. I am constantly frustrated by the fact that so many apps try to
>> reimplement a window manager---each with their own esoteric key
>> bindings. I really shouldn't have to use Ctrl-Tab to switch tabs in
>> firefox, Ctrl-W Ctrl-J for windows in Vim, ..., when I have a
>> perfectly good WM like i3 that is set up exactly the way I want it.
>> Sometimes the solution is to change apps (from Firefox to dwb for
>> example), but there isn't really an alternative to vim :( (I know
>> emacs has a server mode, so you can run several emacs clients in
>> different terms; I wish vim had this).
>> Unfortunately, most people use OSes with a baked-in floating window
>> manager that they can't change. For such an OS, the app *needs* its
>> own internal WM because the OS WM is ineffective. So while MS Windows
>> and Mac OS X have the market share, you can look forward to Mozilla
>> targeting its UI to users of those OSes.
> Well, about vim, I have the same feeling. I'm quite happy to read someone
> saying that vim does too many things.
> Now, I really would like a text editor... no, a code editor with the same
> philosophy (ESPECIALLY for configuration btw!) as i3, but there are some
> issues I guess.
> For example, accessing a file from multiple instances of the editor, which
> is quite common in an IDE (at least, open that file in multiple tabs) will
> probably pulls problems when we spoke about syncing the changes.
> The only solution I can think to solve it is the mpd way: a daemon to handle
> a particular file, and clients just connect to that daemon, so the sync
> problem can be managed.
> But you have to think about one fact, when you speak about vim
> reimplementing a wm (which is true, sadly): it was written in 1991, as a
> console application. I am not sure how gnu screen or other text window
> managers were at that time?
> There is another problem which make me thinking that an i3 environment is
> not completely usable as an IDE: a multiple window application can't ask the
> wm to place windows in a specific scheme, in the space the wm would have
> allocated to it.
> However, in the next version of i3, there will be layouts, so this might be
> worked around.
> By the way, I have to admit that several years ago, I was not able to admit
> that it was possible to program without a real IDE (and someone mentioned me
> cube as a counter-example, but I never checked if it was really written
> without an IDE, which would anyway not be provable), now I have even removed
> any file manager from my system.
> Many thanks to i3 developers, which have reduced a lot the pain of using
> computers for me. Sadly, now when people take a look at my screens, they see
> me like if I am some kind of E.T. ...
> I'm even thinking that it would be very nice to build a DE based on a tiling
> wm, plus softwares which are twm friendly... but I do not think I master the
> thing enough for now, I still have a lot to learn, and trying to create a
> meta-package for that is... well, it made me think a lot about what,
> exactly, would be a minimal DE, since it would be damn stupid to reproduce
> the errors other DEs have, imho, done (I will never understand why DEs'
> meta-packages have hard-dependencies on softwares, instead of simply
> recommending them).

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