To me, the Ubuntu repos are usually PITA.

I am building it myself, really easier to manage.
On 20-Jul-2014 11:50 pm, "grubernd" <> wrote:

> hi..
> xubuntu 13.04 raring is my base-system.
> currently from the official repos i have i3 4.2 installed.
> trying to upgrade to a newer version with the commands from the help page,
> yields various errors i cannot get past.
> in the end it boils down to this one:
> > The following packages have been kept back:
> >  i3 i3-wm
> neither apt-get update, nor with --fix-missing nor any other googly answer
> i found related to this worked.
> and the visual update-manager refuses to upgrade from un-authenticated
> sources.
> any hints how i can get a better i3?
> thanks in advance,
> grubernd

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