On 2014-07-22 09:19, Michael Stapelberg wrote:
> That’s odd. Your system seems to be lacking the signing keys for the
> Ubuntu package sources. In addition (perhaps caused by that), your
> package lists seem outdated (which is why you get the 404s). I’d suggest
> deleting /var/lib/apt/lists/*, followed by apt-get update. If apt-get
> update complains, fix the signature problem. Get help about how to do
> that elsewhere please since that’s not an i3 problem.
> Afterwards, it should just work.

a follow-up. apparently x/ubuntu 13.04 has really reached its EOL (end of life) and the servers for raring were taken offline in austria. well.

after almost three hours munching through more than 2k packages for the dist-upgrade to 14.04 LTS everything is up and running, including i3 4.8.

maybe using ubuntu raring (13.04) isnt the ideal choice for the development version anymore - unless the website is outdated:

> Development versions are only available for the latest version of Ubuntu, which is raring at the moment.

because that line was the reason i thought the update inside 13.04 would work in the first place.


PS: damn, reply-to still not working automatically.

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