I am trying to generate my own layout files in python (similar to the files 
generated by i3-save-tree). I am looking for something that describes the 
layout specification [above and beyond the i3-save-tree code, which is a bit 
cryptic for a non-perl expert].

I am already able to get the i3 tree in python. Furthermore I already have a 
number of operations that I perform on that tree. For example I have an 
operation that generates an image (representing the workspace structure) for 
each workspace in the tree. I am at a point where I need to generate layout 
specs, so that I can subsequently append these to workspaces.

The first couple of specs that I generated are essentially just a dump of the 
portion of the portion of the tree that corresponds to the workspace. I know 
these need to be tweaked further. For example I have not yet added "swallows", 
nor stripped non-necessary elements (like "fullscreen_mode" or "layout"). 
However I thought that i3 would allow me to load these specs and then I could 
begin to trim them and modify them until they looked more like the specs 
generated by i3-save-tree. Indeed I hoped that i3 might provide feedback 
relative to the elements of the spec that were not right.

The unfortunate thing is that i3 crashes when it attempts to load my specs. So 
rather than move from the form that I have incrementally towards the "right 
form", I need to jump to the right form more quickly.

A specification for the layout structure would help. Is there anything that 
exists above and beyond the perl code, and the samples of generated layouts 
that I can create with it?

For example, here is the portion of the tree that corresponds to the workspace 
that I am trying to save a spec for: this particular simple workspace is one 
window on top of another.  Other than the obvious things like adding a proper 
swallows element, what are the key things that I need to keep in mind when 
transforming portions of the i3 tree into a form that can later be appended?

{"fullscreen_mode": 1, "orientation": "horizontal", "focus": [23160000, 
23125184], "urgent": false, "num": 1, "last_split_layout": "splith", 
"floating": "auto_off", "border": "normal", "id": 23119648, 
"current_border_width": -1, "layout": "splith", "percent": null, 
"workspace_layout": "default", "window": null, "nodes": [{"window_properties": 
{"instance": "xterm", "class": "XTerm", "title": "ubuntu@example-8930: 
~/playground/cwpmash"}, "fullscreen_mode": 0, "orientation": "none", "focus": 
[], "urgent": false, "last_split_layout": "splith", "floating": "auto_off", 
"border": "normal", "id": 23125184, "current_border_width": -1, "layout": 
"splith", "percent": 0.5, "workspace_layout": "default", "window": 25165860, 
"nodes": [], "type": "con", "swallows": [], "focused": false, 
"scratchpad_state": "none", "rect": {"y": 18, "x": 0, "height": 1013, "width": 
840}, "window_rect": {"y": 0, "x": 2, "height": 1009, "width": 834}, "name": 
"ubuntu@example-8930: ~/playground/cwpmash", "geometry": {"y": 0, "x": 0, 
"height": 316, "width": 484}, "floating_nodes": []}, {"window_properties": 
{"instance": "xterm", "class": "XTerm", "title": "ubuntu@example-8930: ~"}, 
"fullscreen_mode": 0, "orientation": "none", "focus": [], "urgent": false, 
"last_split_layout": "splith", "floating": "auto_off", "border": "normal", 
"id": 23160000, "current_border_width": -1, "layout": "splith", "percent": 0.5, 
"workspace_layout": "default", "window": 27263012, "nodes": [], "type": "con", 
"swallows": [], "focused": true, "scratchpad_state": "none", "rect": {"y": 18, 
"x": 840, "height": 1013, "width": 840}, "window_rect": {"y": 0, "x": 2, 
"height": 1009, "width": 834}, "name": "ubuntu@example-8930: ~", "geometry": 
{"y": 0, "x": 0, "height": 316, "width": 484}, "floating_nodes": []}], "type": 
"workspace", "swallows": [], "focused": false, "scratchpad_state": "none", 
"rect": {"y": 0, "x": 0, "height": 1031, "width": 1680}, "window_rect": {"y": 
0, "x": 0, "height": 0, "width": 0}, "name": "1", "geometry": {"y": 0, "x": 0, 
"height": 0, "width": 0}, "floating_nodes": []}

The correct form (as generated by i3-save-tree) is:

// vim:ts=4:sw=4:et
    "border": "normal",
    "floating": "auto_off",
    "geometry": {
       "height": 316,
       "width": 484,
      "x": 0,
       "y": 0
    "name": "ubuntu@example-8930: ~/playground/cwpmash",
    "percent": 0.5,
    "swallows": [
       // "class": "^XTerm$",
       // "instance": "^xterm$",
       // "title": "^ubuntu\\@example\\-8930\\:\\ \\~\\/playground\\/cwpmash$"
    "type": "con"

    "border": "normal",
    "floating": "auto_off",
    "geometry": {
       "height": 316,
       "width": 484,
       "x": 0,
       "y": 0
    "name": "ubuntu@example-8930: ~",
    "percent": 0.5,
    "swallows": [
       // "class": "^XTerm$",
       // "instance": "^xterm$",
       // "title": "^ubuntu\\@example\\-8930\\:\\ \\~$"
    "type": "con"


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