Greetings i3wm users,

I'm very pleased to announce the release of *py3status v2.0* !

It brings some interesting new features which I hope can benefit to the
i3wm users looking to gain more control over their i3bar.

What is py3status ?
It is a user-contributed project which gives you an easy and flexible
way to display your own stuff in your i3barby wrapping your current
i3status configuration.

New major features since release v1.x
The main idea of this release is that *py3status now extends your
i3status.conf* which allows you to control your i3bar more easily than ever.

- *Handle all click events *(i3status modules included) *directly from
your i3status config* [3]*
*- All py3status contributed modules are now shipped and *usable
directly without the need to copy them to your local folder*.
**- *Load, configure and order py3status modules directly from your
*just like any other i3status module [4]
- Every click event now triggers a refresh of the clicked module, even
for i3status modules. This makes your i3bar more responsive than ever !

Read the release blog post [1] <>
for more details and examples or check out the project's wiki [2]

Fancy a chat or need help ?
Feel free to join the #py3status IRC channel on FreeNode to get help or
share your ideas !

For their insight, contributions and feedback with a special mention to
@tablet-mode who inspired this release.


I also want to take this opportunity to wish you all a happy and
peaceful year.



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