Am 17.09.2008 um 10:19 schrieb Albert Cahalan:

> This may require the loss of a few sacred cows.
> [...]
> Within the Sugar community, certain activities are adored.
> They hold privileged positions, generally being installed
> be default despite not being of a utility (shell, browser)
> nature. They even get to hide their bloat by being allowed
> to require RPMs that are of no use to anything else. They
> are terribly slow. They are terribly complicated.

Feel free to name names, and please state why providing those  
activities is bad for a learning device, and don't hesitate to suggest  
a (non-Sugar) Linux application as replacement.

If you are thinking of the same activity I think you are, then this  
got nothing to do with Sugar, it runs on other Linuxen as well as on  
Mac or (gasp) Windows. It was installed and is used in one of the  
largest Linux-in-schools deployments (before OLPC, not Sugar) because  
it was deemed useful for learning.

Picking that as example why Sugar is bad is bordering on FUD.

- Bert -

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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