In the interest of trying to make room for the unexpected around the
Nov 17 G1G1 launch, I've tried to compress most of the technical talks
into a single day, Wed. Nov 19.  There will be plenty of flex time
during the rest of the week to get to topics not covered, delve in
depth, or try to hack out some prototypes.

I've identified four "big issues" in the list of -- ideas that have more
than one speaker willing to address them -- and assigned them an hour
each.  The rest of the time I've grouped by person, assigning each
person 30 minutes (I recommend 20 for talk, 10 for questions).  I will
leave it to the individual person whether they will chose to present a
single one of their proposals in that time, compress all of their
proposals to fit, or deed some of their time to some other proposal
quite deserves more.  I encourage those who will be present to lobby
your favorite speakers to ensure that your favorite topic will be
addressed.  Refer to [[Sugarcamp#Proposals]] for details on the talks
each person listed below has proposed.

  10am:  Desktop "legacy" compatibility.  (Marco, C. Scott, possibly
Saymindu by phone?)
  11am: Eben Eliason / Ed Cherlin.
  12pm - 2pm: lunch.
   2pm: Community.  (Mel Chua / Greg DeK)
   3pm: Martin Langhoff / Chris Ball
   4pm: Internationalization (Marco, C. Scott, possibly Saymindu by
phone and/or cjb on language learning)
   5pm - 7pm: dinner.
   7pm:  Marco / Michael Stone
   8pm: C. Scott / Tomeu
   9pm: Infrastructure (Bernie, Michael Stone)

There are so many excellent talks that were proposed.  I hope that
this schedule, although compressed, encourages us to take the time to
make our talks short ("Je n'ai fait celle-ci plus longue que parce que
je n'ai pas eu le loisir de la faire plus courte.", Blaise Pascal,  There is time during the rest
of the week to expand on our points and give the talks that don't fit
on Wednesday.  (Also, I hope we use the lunch and dinner time for good
networking, discussion, and beer.)

Does this schedule seem reasonable to others?  (Esp. those I've
pencilled in for talks?)  If you are going to be in town, made a 9.1
proposal (or forgot to), and aren't listed above, let me know.

ps. I apologize for the late planning on this; things have been pretty crazy.

                         ( )
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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