On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 2:28 AM, Jonas Smedegaard <d...@jones.dk> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 07:09:02PM -0500, Luke Faraone wrote:
>>On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 2:44 PM, Jonas Smedegaard <d...@jones.dk> wrote:
>>Ubuntu will sync their changes back to Debian as soon as we can; that
>>is, as soon as Sugar releases its next stable version. Which brings up
>>a related question: are "beta" and "Release Candidate"s considered
>>stable enough for Debian inclusion in your opinion?
> Not as a general rule, but yes, I'd say so here.
> But changing packaging style has a higher priority for me than bumping
> to next stable release: I really want more people to help package for
> Debian, and the only one really interested (you!) have tried and failed
> for a year now, due to the current packaging style.
> Also, I want to keep 0.82.x for Debian, to offer an environment for
> Uruguay and others still using that branch. Also as an excercise in how
> to get package dependencies and conflicts right when not only handling
> multiple concurrent _source_ packages but also _binary_ packages.
>>> >Debian now contains the most unstable sugar release there is...
>>> This comes as a big surprise to me. Honestly!
>>A main problem with *most* of the Sugar activities in Debian/Ubuntu:
>>They run but don't scale properly to most screens.
> In other words: Bugs not specific to Debian, so unrekated to Debian
> being "the most unstable sugar release there is...".

Actually, all the bugs are related to Debian... Ubuntu has made every
effort to use debian releases as far as I know, making hacks to be
able to get the ubuntu version of sugar to actually work. You know the
evince problem, the libabiword issue, the screen resolution problems,
the activities not working because they depend on evince and
libabiword, etc. Network Manager problem too... strange default apps
for different distros, netbook problems with cameras and sound, and in
the end it leaves us with a totally unusable desktop.... well... u
kinda get an idea of what sugar is... but really... without the hacks
that morgan and luke worked out, sugar wouldn't be much more than a
shell. Of course it would be even worse without all the massive
packaging work you do, but we want to help....

Now, I don't run sugar on debian, but I do and have run many versions
with various hacks on ubuntu... and I can't imagine that it is somehow
fixed in debian and we can't use those fixes in ubuntu. Making more
activities as packages isn't really going to help us either until the
deps are all fixed.

In the end, this thread is now 55 responses long... obviously there is
an issue here, and I hope its not just a conflict of politics and
misunderstanding 'basic packaging concepts'

None of us are born into packaging, and many of us really really want
to do this, but  we help in any way we can, we just need to help each
other out a little more and then we can get where we're really
going... onto kids desktops...

kind Regards,
David Van Assche

>>The second of course is that we don't have many activities: to this we have
>>two solutions:
>>* Wait for Debian to get 0.84 and get the autoupdater, which will download
>>the activities to ~
> That is a workaround, not a solution.
> Per-user downloading works in 0.82.x too (except for
> non-backwards-compatible activities, but that's not a bug in Debian).
>>* Package more activities  :)
> The only solution to too few activities packaged!
>  - Jonas
> - --
> * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist og Internet-arkitekt
> * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/
>  [x] quote me freely  [ ] ask before reusing  [ ] keep private
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