(I apologize if this has been discussed before but a quick search 
through my inbox and w.s.o didn't turn up any useful results.)

I was wondering about the upgrade options to get the soon-to-be-released 
(and very awesome from what I've seen so far) Sugar 0.84 release onto XOs?

I know there's been a lot of work on that "on-a-stick" thingy but I 
think it's important to remind ourselves that today 99% of Sugar 
installations are on XOs. And while large top-down deployments like Peru 
and Uruguay might stick to OLPC's upcoming official 8.2.x release I 
assume that a lot of the smaller, often community-driven, pilots and 
deployments will be very interested in getting the latest Sugar code and 
features to the teachers and children as soon as possible.

Or at the very least I'd personally be very interested in upgrading the 
27 XOs in use by the children and teachers in our small Austrian pilot.

Off the top of my head I'm wondering whether there's a chance to get the 
Sugar 0.84 release signed so it can be run on XOs without having to 
request a developer key?

In case that's not possible is there a quicker way than having to 
request a developer key for each of those machines and then do a manual 
copy-nand on them?

Thinking of copy-nand I realize that this would also wipe the Journal 
with everything the children have created so far... Is there any way to 
avoid that and do some sort of olpc-update that actually downloads the 
Sugar 0.84 release?

As you can see I'm slightly confused at the moment so any comments and 
information is much appreciated!

Thanks in advance,

Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
url: www.olpcnews.com
e-mail: christ...@olpcnews.com

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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