There are a few bugs I've noticed on the site. First one I feel is 
pretty big, but I'm a really big on usability, and it will likely only 
affect a small number of users.

Disabling Javascript causes the logo to disappear. This doesn't seem to 
be a problem when disabling images, but the default size for SugarLabs 
is fairly small. It should also be an H1 tag and not just a link.

The second bug is fairly minor and I've only tested it in Firefox and 
safari. If you visit the about page or any other page via the navigation 
menu, and then press the back button on the browser, the navigation pops 
back out to its original state. Like I said, not a big deal, but it's 
kind of annoying.


Christian Marc Schmidt wrote:
> Thank you, everyone, for your feedback on the test site. The goal 
> remains to get the site launched very soon—we’ll work on a revised 
> build will that will attempt to address the main concerns raised today.
> Best,
> Christian
> On 2/27/09 2:55 PM, "Carol Farlow Lerche" <> wrote:
>     I second Michael's suggestion about a web design that echoes the
>     Sugar design. Think how useful this would be if carried to school
>     servers. And as a basis for web-served Sugar-like activities.
>     I have to agree with the conclusion that the test design is
>     off-putting. It is certainly not intelligible to children. One of
>     the foundations of the Sugar interface is to make things iconic
>     and simple and universal. The flood of words, most of them jargon,
>     just doesn't work.
>     On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 11:46 AM, Michael Stone
>     <> wrote:
>         On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 11:56:52AM -0500, Benjamin M. Schwartz
>         wrote:
>         >David Farning wrote:
>         >> Sorry there was a typo in my last email the site is actually
>         >>
>         >
>         >I forcefully object to everything about this website. It is ugly,
>         >off-putting, unnavigable, unreadable, buggy, empty of any helpful
>         >information, and in many other ways among the worst websites I
>         could
>         >possibly imagine for this purpose. It is a very cool
>         javascript tech
>         >demo, which is not at all useful here.
>         >
>         >Meanwhile, the front page of the wiki is beautiful. It
>         presents the
>         >visitor immediately with a statement explaining what Sugar is,
>         and a bunch
>         >of clearly named links to learn more about Sugar and Sugar Labs.
>         >Scrolling down presents a wealth of introductory information
>         about Sugar,
>         >presented in a logical fashion. It does all of this in a
>         >non-headache-inducing color scheme, using complete sentences.
>         Clearly a
>         >lot of work has been put into this, and it shows.
>         Christian,
>         I wish I felt differently, but I agree with pretty much
>         everything Ben said. In
>         fact, I found myself so put off by the new design that I left
>         the site after
>         reading no more than two entries. I was particularly
>         frustrated by the
>         meaningless colors, the dark -> light background transition,
>         the useless sound
>         bytes, and the invisible one-word menu that overlaps other
>         text when I scroll.
>         In more detail, this is not the Sugar design that I enjoy --
>         in Sugar:
>         * Colors denote individual identity and contribution; they
>         aren't uniform
>         over a page and they aren't randomly regenerated on each visit.
>         * Contrast is used carefully: I would never see a black menu
>         with yellow text
>         over a pure white background, nor a yellow menu with white
>         text on a white
>         background. (Both of which I observed.)
>         * Text colors are never reversed for emphasis.
>         * Views are scoped and zoomable, and information is usually
>         arranged in
>         visually pleasing layouts with gray-out filters or search; not
>         organized
>         hierarchically.
>         (The exception is toolbars, which Eben redesigned in a fashion
>         much more
>         consistent with Sugar's design imperatives:
>         )
>         (At any rate, contrast the hierarchy-free Neighborhood View
>         and the Home
>         View with semi-hierarchical Journal or the (deeply
>         hierarchical) source
>         code layout.)
>         * For better and for worse, icons are used everywhere in place
>         of short text.
>         Short text is presented only on hover.
>         Now, as an alternate suggestion: why not use the desire for a
>         nicer website
>         as an opportunity to test out our actual underlying UI design
>         principles?
>         For example, I'd love to see a Sugar front-page that used the
>         Frame and its
>         zoomable Views for navigation, perhaps organizing hierarchical
>         content with
>         Eben's Toolbar design.
>         Regards,
>         Michael
>         P.S. - Just think of the educational opportunity that's
>         slipping away by not
>         dogfooding the existing design work. :)
>         _______________________________________________
>         IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
> -- 
> Christian Marc Schmidt
> Pentagram Design, Inc.
> 204 Fifth Avenue
> New York, NY 10010
> 212/ 802 0248
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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