On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 10:51 PM, ,Josh williams
<joshcwilli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Wade,
> I agree with you that there needs to be a unity between the websites and
> things are definitely confusing. That design I made is basically a wire
> frame to give us an idea for the layout. I wanted it to follow the HIG
> guidelines, take into account Mick's comments, and just be simple for
> kids to use. A friend recently let me borrow an XO, so I'll be able to
> make something that's more to scale soon.

Sugar sites that kinda look like Sugar? That would be neat!


> Thanks for the infrastructure
> ideas as well, they're a good start and I'll bring them up at the design
> meeting.
> Cheers,
> Josh
> Wade Brainerd wrote:
>> Hey Josh, thanks for the offer of help!
>> I definitely like your simple and kid-friendly theme for addons. I
>> wonder off the top of my head though, if it makes sense to make
>> addons.sl.o look *more* like the other sl.o sites?    Things are kind
>> of confusing right now with the different styles of wiki, trac,
>> addons, schools, gitorious, api, buildbot, etc.  planet is the lone
>> exception, it seems to follow wiki.sugarlabs.org
>> <http://wiki.sugarlabs.org> nicely :)
>> It would be great if the Design Team could comment on this decision.
>> Here are a couple other web infrastructure ideas:
>> + Improve theming consistency among various SL.o sites.
>> + Single sign on cookie among all SL.o sites - perhaps OpenID based.
>> + Standard nav header atop all SL.o sites rather than the various nav
>> headers in different places, with different links.
>> + Better splash page for Gitorious, looking more like GitWeb - a page
>> with a small search box at the top and the rest being a list of
>> projects, sorted by recent activity, showing owner and last commit details
>> Best regards,
>> Wade
>> On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 11:10 AM, ,Josh williams
>> <joshcwilli...@gmail.com <mailto:joshcwilli...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>     Hi, I'm working on the design of sugar labs add-ons with Mick Weiss.
>>     I've created a mock up at http://sugarlabs.org/go/AddonsPortal/Design
>>     but I've haven't been able to contact anyone on the design team as of
>>     yet. I would also like to volunteer some of my time for other
>>     projects.
>>     I'm primarily a front-end designer with XHTML/CSS JavaScript
>>     skills, but
>>     I also know some PHP/MySQL and have a background in Linux. I also
>>     enjoy
>>     creating icons, so if there are any activities developers that need
>>     icons please contact me. My portfolio is over at
>>     http://tucsonlabs.com .
>>     If you're a member of the design team or have some use for my skills,
>>     please let me know.
>>     Thanks
>>     Josh
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