Sean DALY wrote:
> I agree the integration between the static intro, the wiki, and
> is clunky. We will be standardizing the navbar at the top of all three
> sections when we can, as well as editing redundant content in the
> wiki.
> Today, we will be welcoming a large number of first-time visitors and
> they will very surely be disoriented if they start their visit by
> clicking around on the wiki, which is a possible scenario since Google
> indexes the wiki before the static intro (a flipflop from the behavior
> over the past two weeks, but it turns out that Google was fooled when
> showing in #1 position; they meant to show
> This is why it is absolutely vital that the front
> door of the site be very easy to find. We are communicating with the
> media on "" and hopefully today there will be lots of
> external links to that address which will mitigate the importance of
> supplying navigation to the homepage.
> It's true that graf in the wiki homepage needs to be fixed, it should
> better say:
> <snip>
> If you ever get lost, just click on "wiki" at the top of the screen.
> To visit the main homepage of, click the logo in the
> upper left corner.
> </snip>
> I agree the separate browser window is clunky too, but since for
> first-time visitors the wiki and are easy to get to but hard to
> get out of, it's much better the main homepage and introduction stay
> available in another window.

Ironically this is extremely bad for our one-window Sugar Browser. I 
would also vote to open it in the same window - not just for that reason 
(does not mean we have to change that today :).


IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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