On Mon, Apr 06, 2009 at 06:56:31PM +0200, Sean DALY wrote:

I was wondering, if the plans aren't finalized, could we consider
meeting that weekend in Paris instead?
Prague is significantly cheaper for us to reach via train (312 EUR Prague vs. 424 EUR Paris; 2-way, 2 persons) and car (gas is about 20% cheaper). What about lodging and food? Tomeu mentioned hotels are cheap in Prague and that he could even accomodate some of us in his private headquarters. Aditionally, I've been to Paris several times before, but never to Prague. I don't speak either language, though. :)

I'm not sure whether I can come (it mainly depends on money - GSoC acceptance would mean a definite yes, otherwise it's a maybe), but would love to.

P.S. on a related subject, this week I have the keys to my Paris apt.
back from the renters who have moved out... so I could potentially put
up a small crowd of visitors who wouldn't mind "camping" conditions
Sounds good (so Paris might be on equal terms to Prague in that respect). :)

CU Sascha


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