---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Thomas C. Reeves <tree...@uga.edu>
Date: Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 7:06 PM
Subject: Interactive Learning Activities/Experiences for Young Children -
C4C Design Competition - Entries due April 30, 2009
To: itfo...@listserv.uga.edu

 The Chamber of Commerce of Como will sponsor the C4C (Como for Children)
Competition for Ideas at IDC 2009 ( http://www.idc09.polimi.it/c4c.html ).
The Competition addresses interaction design in the context of pre-schools,
and is part of a wider project of the Chamber of Commerce wishing to promote
a strong innovation of the approach to education for young children.

*We  look for (short) proposals considering either the vision of an*
pre-school of the future*, *or the design of specific applications or
installations or learning activities/experiences for children at pre-school*.

"Winners" will be offered free conference registration plus 2 nights in
hotel in Como for 2 people and will present their proposals in a special
plenary session on June 5th, followed by a special reception for all IDC09
participants in the wonderful Villa Grumello (www.villadelgrumello.it),
kindly offered by the Chamber of Commerce.

Last but not least, the authors of the best proposals will have the chance
to have a true impact in the "real world", by cooperating with the Chamber
of Commerce in the joint development and implementation of their ideas in
the context of the C4C project.

We look forward to your proposals!
Warm regards

Paolo Paolini - IDC 2009 Chair
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Caroline Meeks
Solution Grove

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IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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