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From: LASKE, Lionel (C2S) <lla...@c2s.fr>
Date: Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 9:34 PM
Subject: [Sugar-devel] SugarCamp 16 may in Paris
To: "sugar-de...@lists.sugarlabs.org"
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Hi All,

I’m very proud to announce that OLPC France will organize with
SugarLabs the first SugarCamp in Europe in Paris on May 16.

It’s an unique opportunity to meet the European Sugar community and
some other famous guys coming from US (thanks to all) like Walter
Bender, Adam Holt, David Farning, Caroline Meeks, …

So It’s the place you must go !

Several workshop will be organized all around the day: technical,
pedagogical and documentation. The full agenda is not closed so do not
hesitate to submit a workshop proposal.

More information and registration (mandatory for logistic reason) on :

Of course this event is fully free, thanks to our sponsors: AFUL and GDium.

I hope to see you soon.

Best regards from France.


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