Hello Again,

Still trying to get the SoaS going on the MacBook.  This time I went back to 
trying the Stick and helper CD.  I booted to the CD first, then inserted the 
usb stick. It went through the loading of Fedora all right (like before), then 
when I chose "boot" from the menu, it went into a terminal mode and gave me 
this message:

WARNING: Cannot fine root file system!
Create symlink /dev/root and then exit this shell to continue the boot sequence

bash: no job control in this shell


I think if I knew a little Python I could solve this.  It seems to want me to 
tell it to go boot the SoaS from the USB stick, but I don't know how to do it.  
 Can someone tell me how and what to do to go on from here? How do I "exit this 
shell"?  How do I "Create symlink/dev/root"? 


Countdown: 2 days 'till InfoTech. 
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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