> [age-related replacements for "users"]


Why limit ourselves?

> ["Learner" as a replacement for "users"]


I can't see any developer using this term easily[1].  Call the people
who use a Sugar activity to learn/do/communicate either:

People[a] who use[b] a Sugar activity to learn[c]/communicate/etc.

a. People

b. Users

c. Learn/communicate/etc. -ers.

Note how hard it is to simplifly that sentence but keep the "activity"
noun, and eliminating that loses something.


1. Smacks of a small community trying to re-invent the universe of
discourse of two huge communities (educators, computer science).  I
think that's what we're trying to do, but should we do _that_ part of
it _now_?

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IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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