On Fri, 2009-06-26 at 11:08 +0200, Tomeu Vizoso wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 02:01, Caroline Meeks<carol...@solutiongrove.com> 
> wrote:
> > I am at a talk on Open Mesh as a low cost solution for schools.  Are people
> > here familiar with this?
> >
> > http://open-mesh.com/store/
> >
> > Will local collaboration work with Open Mesh? Will it work per AP just like
> > other wireless solutions or will it collaborate across the mesh devices?
> From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Link-local_address, Salut (sugar
> collaboration without a server) will work between machines in the same
> segment of a local network or a point-to-point link.
> If it will work in some of their setups, it's them to answer.
> Btw, the term mesh is very general, so we should avoid using it if
> it's not clear from the context to what we are referring to.

in more detail:
- radio-mesh (layer 1-2) known as 802.11s
- ip-mesh (layer 2-3). known as olsr / B.A.T.M.A.N and derified routing
protocols (google for freifunk and furerfunk)

In your case:
Open-Mesh.com a based on B.A.T.M.A.N. see http://www.blogin.it/
Generally they use adhoc-mode on the wifi-card with is not supported
well on all cards. Large networks seem to break. 
It works better in a city wide lan rather than classroom based. (based
on experiances of freifunk) 

XO's have 802.11s. http://www.open80211s.org/ is working on a opensource

OLSR / B.A.T.M.A.N. can work on Sugar if the networkcard supports adhoc

IHMO: Both are not really usable for high performance wifi like a class

FYI: I am building a wifi benchmark setup.

Currently a am testing FreeBSD access points (homebrew). Soon as I have
a base line, I can test some Fon, Linksys and other boxes. 
In time more testing materials (accesspoints) are welcome.

P.s I have send an email to saxnet to get info about their type of mesh,
but did not hear of them jet. 

kind regards,

> Marten Vijn
> linux 2.0.18 OpenBSD 3.6 FreeBSD 4.6
> http://martenvijn.nl
> http://opencommunitycamp.org
> http://wifisoft.org

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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