On Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 8:12 AM, Martin Dengler<mar...@martindengler.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 04, 2009 at 10:55:39PM -0700, Caryl Bigenho wrote:
>> OK, I tried the code in the Terminal Activity again a few times,
>> being sure I was typing it in correctly and now I get this result:
> [...]
>> Then it returns a prompt.  All very colorful, but I haven't a clue
>> what it all means.
> You're not typing what they asked you to (since it's gibberish to you
> that's understandable).  You typed
> ls ld ~olpc/Activities/Scratch.activity
> ...but you want to type:
> ls -ld ~olpc/Activities/Scratch.activity

For those of us who had (still have) trouble remembering the somewhat
terse nature of linux commands:-/

'ls'  -> The command.  LiSt the contents of a directory.
' -'   -> space dash -> get ready for some one letter modifiers.
'l'    -> Long -> Shows you huge amounts of information (permissions,
owners, size, and when last modified.)
'd' - >Directory ->  If an argument is a directory it only lists its
name not its contents.
' ~olpc/Activities/Scratch.activity' -> note the space -> The argument
which tells the command which directory to look at.

The tilde is a shortcut to point at you 'home' directory.

check out http://linux.about.com/od/commands/l/blcmdl1_ls.htm for more


> (note the minus sign, and where the spaces are)
>> See my initial message at the bottom to see what the problem is
>> saving a Scratch project on XOs running build 802.
> I think Bryan's answered your original question: one has to change the
> folder in which one saves from the default that's offered.
>> I do notice that the code on the prompt varies with the machine:
>> o...@xo-27-90-c8 ~]$
>> o...@xo-0d-5c-68 ~]$
>> o...@xo-27-8a-0f ~]$
>> I assume these are just individual codes for each machine.
> Your assumption is correct.
>> Have others experienced this problem saving in Scratch?  Is it new
>> to 802?  Is there an easy fix? I will be happy to "grannie-fy" it
>> into the wiki and or FLOSS manual if you tell me what it is!
> The fix is what Bryan said:
>> > You can save projects in scratch by putting them in a certain folder.
>> > (1) Click save
>> > (2) When the save dialog comes up, click the "Desktop" button on the
>> > left.
>> > (3) Type the name of your project, and click OK
>> > The Desktop shortcut goes to
>> > /home/olpc/isolation/1/uid_to_home_dir/10000/data, which I guess you
>> > can save to from within Scratch.
>> > Screenshot of dialog after clicking Desktop (and revealing the path):
>> > http://shell.sugarlabs.org/~bjordan/Picture%2038.png
>> Thanks,Caryl
> Martin
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David Farning
Sugar Labs
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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